GHS Community Newsletter Issue #1
10th February, 2025
A Message from the Principal
Welcome back to Geelong High for 2025. Welcome to our 971 students and 116 staff.
It has been a great start to the year for all of the students and I particularly welcome all the new Year 7’s and students in other year levels to the school. Thanks to all parents and students involved in the start-up day and goal setting. We hope this was a useful way to start the year and prepare students for a successful year of learning. I would certainly be interested to hear from parents regarding this day.
To the parent community my door is always open to you. If at any time you have comments both positive and negative, please let me know. As a school we are always trying to improve and make sure we do an excellent job in the education of your son/daughter.
I encourage all students and families to start the academic year strongly by establishing quality learning, study and organisation practices. If your child is to achieve at, or above, their best then this requires hard work, commitment and diligence. It also benefits tremendously from home support. As a parent you can assist your child by insisting, they complete homework (there is always something your child needs to do: don’t accept any response that denies this!) You can also provide them with a quiet place to study. Above all, being interested in your child’s work, projects and progress and regularly asking them about their subjects can make a significant difference.
Over the holiday break there has been a considerable amount of work on improving the physical learning environment at the school and also some work that has started that will be finished soon. Installation of air-conditioning in the Winstanley building, new grass areas in front of the Love Hall and Dance studio, cleaning of all concrete areas, 30+ new televisions have also been installed, completion of the new wellbeing space and new signage of classrooms.
We have also renamed the Y wing in recognition of the contribution of former Principal Mr Glenn Davey. Glenn was the second longest serving Principal of Geelong High School from 2012 until 2022. We held a ceremony last week to announce this. Moving forward this area will be known as the D wing.
We hoped this improved signage will make it easier for students and parents to move around the school.
Our young people need all of our encouragement, support, reminders and celebration to assist them with being motivated and organised to achieve their best. It is easy to stay updated with School events through our website and through Compass. You can also use Compass to check your child’s timetable and notices to assist with their organisation.
Communication between school and home is critical. If you have any concerns or questions, then it’s best to act on them early. Please feel free to phone the Home Group or classroom teachers to discuss any learning or personal matters. Parents are also welcome to contact the House Leader. It’s important that we work together.
We welcome the following newcomers:
- Lucy Knowles – Learning Specialist English
- Samuel Hill – Physical Education
- Kristian Zamprogno – Maths
- Patrick Thompson – Science/Maths
- Shanae Guthrie – Vocational Major/ Health/ Maths
- Ella Sandow – English
- Sarah Bishop – English
- Tammy Hanson- Integration Aid
- Lykeria Shannon – Library
- Christina Matthews – Front Office
At the end of 2024 I made mention of the staff leaving Geelong High. Last week however Mr Andrew Kypriotis has left Geelong High. We have already managed to replace his music classes, however this will impact on the Orchestra. I will keep those families informed once some decisions are made.
School Uniform
It has been extremely pleasing to see all the students in their uniforms and presenting themselves in a positive way. Can I remind all students and parents that it is requirement for all students to wear the school uniform. The uniform policy and requirements have been sent to parents and it is a school requirement that all students wear correct uniform at all times.
At the end of the 2024 there were a number of changes made to the school uniform policy.
In 2025
- We will be introducing an active wear range of uniform. This will replace the current Sport / House polo and tracksuit
- Students will be able to wear the active wear or the formal Uniform on any day they want to. Students can wear active wear on every day of the week if they wish.
- We will be introducing a “girls” short. There will be two types of active wear short a traditional boys cut and female cut. These shorts will have bike short lining inside them to encourage more participation.
- There will be an active house polo. The polo will still have the house colours on them, but we have improved the material and the look of the polo. There will be a short sleeve and long sleeve option.
- The fleece jacket, rugby jumper, dress and formal uniforms all still exist we have just updated or introduced a few new options for families / students.
The implementation of these new options will be for two years. So, if you have brought a current house polo or tracksuit you can wear this for 2025 and 2026. It is a parent choice to purchase the new uniform, any current uniform can be worn for the next two years.
The new stock will come online in Winter 2025.
School Saving Bonus
Many of you will be aware of the $400 available to parents to cover school expenses. The criteria for the use of this has been set by the Department and not by the school. Information has been sent out earlier in the term to all families. I ask parents to understand that at school we don’t control any of this and it is done by the Department in Melbourne so there are times when we don’t have the answers. We will do our best to find out.
School Council Election
Geelong High School Council elections will be held early this term. I encourage all parents and guardians to carefully consider how they can best contribute to and support the continued growth and development of Geelong High and in doing so to consider the possibility of nominating for election to the Geelong High Council. The Council is a legally formed body with the power to set key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines and frameworks. In doing this, School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education to school provides to its students.
I would like to thank all members of Council for their support of the school over their tenure and the energy and effort they put into the improvement of Geelong High and in securing the best educational outcomes for our students. Councillors who remain as DET employees or as parents of the school are welcome to stand for re-election.
There will be two (2) vacancies on School Council for Department of Education Training and (DET) employees, two (2) vacancies for student representatives and three (3) vacancies for parent members for a two-year term commencing in March 2025 to February 2027. All parents/guardians of students at Geelong High are eligible to vote for parent members. Persons who work at Geelong High as DET employees are eligible to vote for DET positions at the election. The newly formed Council will determine the co-option of a community member. The term of office for School Council membership is for two years.
The following timeline will apply to the conduct of the election:
Monday 3rd Feb |
Nominations for vacant positions open |
Monday 17th Feb |
Nominations close |
Monday 24th Feb |
List of candidates and nominators posted Ballot papers distributed |
Monday 10th March |
Ballot closes |
Wednesday 13th March |
Declaration of Poll. |
Nomination forms can be obtained from the Administration Office during normal office hours.
Congratulations to Addison Kemp who completed Year 12 in 2024. Addison had her Media work selected for Top Designs. This is an amazing achievement and puts her at the top of the State for Media Studies.
At the end of 2024 the school was successful in obtaining a grant to support our Vocational Major Students. The Lynne Kosky memorial grant of $25,000 will be used to support our VM students on their pathway. A big congratulations to Ms Kathryn Buckland for her work in this space and the effort she has put in in obtaining this grant.
Child Safe Letter to Parents & Carers

Information Evening

VCE Study Periods & On-Site Attendance
Important Reminder: VCE Study Periods and On-Site Attendance
As we continue through the academic year, GHS would like to remind students and parents of the importance of study periods in supporting our students' learning and academic success. Study periods provide valuable time for students to complete revision for assessments, work on projects, homework and seek help from teachers, all of which are essential for achieving their full potential.
In order to ensure that students make the most of this time, it is essential that they remain on site at school during their scheduled study periods from 8:50am-3:10pm. This allows students to access resources, receive support from teachers, and stay focused on their academic goals.
Students with spares due to the offsite VET program will have this indicated on their timetable as ‘Study Leave’
We kindly request that students do not leave the school premises during study periods, unless they have explicit permission from a teacher or school administrator. By staying on site, students can take full advantage of the academic support available to them and make the most of their study time. If a student needs to leave for an appointment or medical reason, please follow school attendance notification process.
We appreciate your cooperation in reinforcing the importance of study periods and on-site attendance.
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Instrumental Music Lessons

GHS students have the chance to learn an instrument during school hours, and the opportunity to take part in our ensembles. If you do not own an instrument, students can hire one from the school. Enrolment/hire forms can be arranged through the main office.
Lessons are available in the following areas:
- Clarinet
- Flute
- Saxophone
- Trumpet
- Trombone
- Violin
- Voice
Homework Club

Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club will be held Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Gym foyer from 8 o’clock onwards.
Come and try our toasties, cereal, milo and fruit.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Wellbeing team.
Vocal Lessons

Limited spots available, please have your parent or guardian contact the main school office for enrolment forms.
- Audition preparation
- Confidence building
- Voice training Beginners to Advanced
- VCE music performance/investigation
- Live performance development
Half hour lessons alternating each week wherever possible. Solo and group lessons available!
Class Clowns
Presented by Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Class Clowns introduces teens aged 14-18 to comedy through creative workshops with professional comedians, using artistic activities to hone comedic talent and build self-esteem, confidence and resilience.
Past participants like Rhys Nicholson, Annie Louey, Aaron Chen and William McKenna have gone on to have a career in show biz, and we’re always on the look-out for the next generation of funny people.
It’s FREE to enter, and all students need is a 3-5 minute original act in any style of comedy.
Heats start with a 2-hour workshop, where students rehearse and refine their act with the help of a professional comedian, followed by an opportunity to perform for a live audience.
Selected comedians go on to compete in state finals, with the winners invited to participate in the National Grand Final for a chance to win a cash prize of $1500, and a workshop package for their school!
Please contact Ms. Tessa Kirk for further information.