A Message from the Principal
By Davin Reid
The start of this term has been a very busy one with many different activities and some outstanding learning opportunities. Students in Year 7 had a great 3 days on camp. I was fortunate enough to attend for a few days and while it was very cold in the morning we had some beautiful days. Can I thank all Year 7 parents for their support with the requirement for teaching staff to have time in lieu. This will reduce the overall impact on the school and classes for all students. This coming weekend we have our Production Camp on as rehearsals ramp up for Urine Town. Thanks to Ms. Kirk and all the staff involved.
A special mention to Mr. Bruce Hildebrand. Recently, Bruce was recognised at a function held in Melbourne by the Department of Education. Bruce has taught in schools for 50 years. This is an amazing achievement and something he should be very proud of. Congratulations Bruce on your contribution to education. Well done.
We have had our Cross Country over the last couple of weeks and thanks to Ms. Kinsey for organising all of the sports activities. Geelong High students were also winners at the Bellarine Athletics Carnival, with a number of students moving on to compete at the Western Metro Finals.
At the start of the Term we had our school Anzac Assembly and I thank all of the students for showing respect for those who have served and in particular our school Captains for leading us through this important recognition of our service men and women.
It has been a very busy term for our Year 10, 11, and 12 Outdoor Education students with a number of activities to the Grampians, Lorne, and Angahook National Park.
Thanks to Ms. Cameron , Ms. Gee, and the Senior school team for all of their work in organising all of the activities for the Year 9 Careers Week. Students visited a number of venues to look at their future pathways. Students had the opportunity to visit the Gordon and the opportunities that exist there
At our last school council, we approved our Pupil Free days for the rest of the year. To assist parents with planning out Pupil free days are Friday the 9th of June, and Monday the 10th of July this is the first term of Day 3, the 31st of August where all staff will be looking at Assessment practices. The final Professional Practice Day is the 4th of December.
In 2024 there will be some changes to the operation of the High school. I thank all of the parents and students for their feedback. In 2024, secondary students will now have 5 x 60-minute lessons each day instead of the 6 sessions currently. In terms of curriculum offering, there is little change in Years 7 and 8 aside from more time allocated to Science. Students in Years 9 and 10 will still have many electives and choices they can make for their program. Students will have only 1 session for home group. I thank all of the staff regarding these changes and for their contribution. If parents do have questions please contact a member of the Principal team.
On a personal note last year in July I applied for 2 weeks Long Service leave which was approved. I will be on leave for the last two weeks of this term. During this time Mr Brown will be Acting Principal.
Compass Attendance Notifications
Same-day notification of unexplained student absences.
Our school will text/call you as soon as practicable on the day if a student is not at school and you haven’t notified the school as to why. If you are notified by the school that your child is away without a reason, please contact us as soon as possible by calling on 5225 4100 or email geelong.hs@education.vic.gov.au or adding an Attendance Note to COMPASS to let us know where your child is.
If we cannot reach you because we don’t have your correct contact details (i.e.: message notification fail, disconnected number), then we will make contact with any emergency contact/s nominated on your child’s file held by the school, where possible, on the same day of the unexplained absence.
Please remember it is your responsibility to contact us to provide an explanation for your child's absence from school, and where possible, please inform us in advance of upcoming absences.

By Administration Team
Dear Parent/Carer
School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors, excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works and sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are part of a healthy curriculum.
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per secondary student is: $225
Eligibility date: Hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent on the first day of term 1 31 Jan 2023.
During Term 2 where the parent/carer’s concession card is assessed as valid on the first day of Term (2), 24 April 2023.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download the form attached.
If you applied for CSEF at Geelong High School in 2022 or prior, you do not need to complete an application form in 2023 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools in 2023 or you did not apply in 2022.
- changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing at the school in 2023.
- Grade 6 transition to Year 7; you did not complete an application when you submitted your child's enrolment information.
If you are unsure, please check with the school office.
Please complete your Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) application form if you have not done so already and return to the Administration Office as soon as possible. The CSEF program for 2023 closes 23 June 2023.
Accelerated Learning Program
By Andrew McConchie
Accelerated Learning Program from 7-9 launched for 2024
Parents who are interested in our Accelerated Learning Program staring in Year 7 next year, can find out more by visiting our website and downloading a parent information brochure and application form. Applications are open to the front office now
Student Eligibility
Accelerated Learning Programs are not for all students and whilst they can be rewarding, they can also be challenging as students will be expected to be self-motivated and independent learners. Two key parts of the program will be increased workload and faster curriculum coverage in the early years of secondary school and students must be prepared to engage positively with this extra challenge. The ALP program is suited to students who:
- Are engaged by academic challenge
- Enjoy problem solving
- Are mature and committed to their learning
- Are motivated to achieve excellence
- Enjoy working alongside like-minded peers
- Thrive in independent and collaborative learning
How do I apply?
The application process for the 2024 Year 7 GHS ALP class involves testing by EduTest in the following areas:
Verbal Reasoning
Numerical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Maths Skills
Creative Writing
Parents must complete the application form available on the school website by July 31st, 2023, please submit this form to the front office. We are currently open for applications. Students who are offered a place at Geelong High School will be asked to complete a test online at the school on Saturday the 26th of August. Families must register for the test by Friday the 18th of August via a link they will be emailed after their application. An interview will also be conducted for students who are shortlisted.
Please email Andrew.Mcconchie@education.vic.gov.au if you have any further questions.
School TV
By Admin Team
Our School Community is fortunate to have access to SchoolTV, a wellbeing resource that can be used to support parents in navigating current issues facing young people. SchoolTV features interviews with leading experts and health researchers such as Beyond Blue, ReachOut, and Headspace to provide evidence-based information and advice. SchoolTV resources include informative fact sheets, articles, apps, books, and videos.
SchoolTV is accessible through the Student Wellbeing Tab on the Geelong High School Website. To access SchoolTV follow these simple instructions;
- Click on the Student Wellbeing Drop down box
- Click on SchoolTV
- Scroll down to the SchoolTV icon in the bottom left-hand corner and select
You can then scroll through all the editions to date or use the search function to look for a particular topic.
Managing Screen Time
Screen time refers to the amount of time spent using electronic devices such as phones, computers, televisions, and tablets. Managing screen time is integral to a child’s overall wellbeing and development, both physically and mentally. Children need to establish healthy habits and boundaries around screen time use from the moment they are handed any electronic device. Developing healthy screen use habits will ensure your child also has plenty of time for other activities such as playing, reading, spending time with family and friends, and participating in physical activities. There are both benefits and drawbacks to screen time, learning how to make good decisions about when and how much to use their devices will help children find the right balance.
SchoolTV has some valuable information here https://geelonghigh.vic.school...
Anzac Day
Bellarine Athletics Carnival
A HUGE Congratulations to the students who participated in the Bellarine Region Athletics! Geelong High School placed 1st for the region on the day, an achievement we are extremely proud of.
This would not be possible without the dedication of our HAPE team and especially Sonia Kinsey
Cross Country
By John Foss
We had great weather as our students ran laps of the Geelong Botanical Gardens. Our Cross Country winners:
13 Boys - Angus Baker
13 Girls - Sarah Grant
14 Boys - Archie Harper
14 Girls - Jorjah Beach
15 Boys - Koby Olsen
15 Girls - Matisse Morgeau
16 Boys - Brody Wilkinson
16 Girls - Annabelle Lane
17 Boys - Connor Blyth
17 Girls - Andy McKenzie
18 Boys - Euan Henderson
18 Girls - Paris Cannon
Well done to everyone who participated!
Interschool Debating
By Mark O'Meara
After a long break, Geelong High School rejoined the interschool debating competition in the Geelong region. We have two fantastic teams made up of Year 9 and Year 10 students who are both competing in the B-grade competition. Our Superstar teams faced off against their opponents Geelong College and Geelong Lutheran on Thursday, May 4. The competition was held this year at Geelong Grammar School. While both our teams had narrow losses, it was a fantastic experience, and we are extremely grateful to the parents and other students who came to support our debaters.
At the second competition, our students made us proud although narrowly defeated, they did a wonderful job arguing the affirmative case that political donations should be banned.
If any students would like to join this fantastic activity, contact Mr O’Meara.
All students who are interested are welcome!
Year 10 Careers Program
By Trudy Cameron
All Year 10 students headed off to Deakin University to develop their employability skills. Students had to work in teams to devise interview questions and then apply these in a practical situation. The students had to interview members of the Community in a professional and polite manner. The students stretched their communication, problem-solving, creativity, and time-management skills. All students rose to the challenge and represented GHS in an exemplary way. Fantastic work Year 10!
Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies
By Chris Gemmill
Our Outdoor and Environmental Studies class completed their 3-day experience at Gariwerd (now known as The Grampians National Park).
21 students participated in a day of rock climbing and abseiling at the Summerday Valley with Earl Daniel and the crew at ‘Hangin’ Out’. It was a great experience for all involved with climbs ranging in difficulty. Every student completed the 25-meter abseil. Students then interviewed Earl about a range of factors that influence participation in an activity such as rock climbing. On Day 2 the class completed a challenging 16-kilometer hike over the top of Mt Rosea. During the hike, we ascended a total of 1000 meters, but the effort was worth the spectacular view from the roof of Gariwerd. We completed the 3-day experience by working with Ranger Hannah from Parks Victoria to remove Sallow Wattle, an invasive weed that has become widespread throughout the park.
All students are to be commended on the way they tackled the challenges put before them and their participation during the camp. Hopefully, they gained some insights into societal relationships with outdoor environments and the factors that influence them through this experience.
Year 9 Careers Week
By Trudy Cameron
All Year 9 students participated in the Geelong Future Tertiary Program sponsored by Skilling The Bay as part of their Career Development Program. Students were able to visit The Gordon to complete their induction and then it was on to the Occupational Health and Safety units to ensure that each student knew their responsibilities in the practical workshops. Students also completed their Resume and Career Action Plan. Students had to complete their online OHS modules within the timeline so that they could attend the practical activities. They designed their own practical program and had the opportunity to complete activities like Automotive, Engineering, Carpentry, Hairdressing, Early Childcare, Lab Skills, and Graphic Design, to name a few.
Congratulations on a sensational effort Year 9!
Year 9 Morrisby Profile – GHS Careers Program
By Trudy Cameron
All Year 9 students completed their Morrisby profile online as part of the GHS Careers Development Program. Students then completed a thirty-minute conversation with a Careers Practitioner to discuss their pathway thoughts and future subject choices. All students received an electronic copy of their Morrisby Profile. Student comments from the day include:
“I can’t believe the Profile was so close to what I want to do, it was amazing.”
“It is great to have so many options and know that I have choices.”
“This really gave me a lot to think about, it was great.”
“The questions seemed Tedious but it was really worth it.”
VCE Art Excursion - NGV
Last Thursday, our Year 11 & 12 Art students visited The Ian Potter: National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). This excursion enabled students to moderate the work of their peers in Victoria. Top Arts 2023 showcases extraordinary works of art and folios that achieved outstanding results in VCE Art or VCE Studio Arts 2022. Our students left feeling inspired by the creative processes, imaginative ideas, and skillful use of materials.
Senior School Awards
By Trudy Cameron
Senior School Awards
The Geelong High School Senior School celebrated its Term 1 Educational Awards Ceremony. The top 10% of students in each Senior School year level received certificates for Excellence in Effort. Congratulations to all recipients, the GHS community is very proud of your commitment to your studies.
Hands on Learning
By Rohan Butler
The Hands on Learning team has been involved in a number of projects around the school this term. We are currently removing an old, unsafe concrete path across the road ready to install a new one. The HOL team has been working on our container and starting to fit it out as a place to meet, greet and connect.
In recent weeks our HOL team has visited Queenscliff with the Bellarine Catchment Networks to assist in a community-driven project aimed at protecting and enhancing the environment of the Bellarine.
The HOL shed project is awaiting permits before we can begin construction. This is a project we are all very eager to get started!
We are looking forward to a Bunnings DIY in the coming weeks.
The students have put in a great effort, worked well as a team, consistently conduct themselves with positive manners each week, and continue to show great attitudes and work ethic.
Academy of Teaching and Leadership
Eight Secondary Schools from across Geelong met at the Academy of Teaching and Leadership to further develop their leadership skills and work on their Action Plans for their schools. We were inspired by four incredible presenters telling their stories about how they found their voice despite adversity. We were particularly proud of our Geelong High School students who hosted the day and presented to over 100 students and staff about their own Be Bold Be Heard journey. The purpose of Be Bold Be Heard (BBBH) is to build student voice, agency, and engagement in middle years female/female-identifying students, and has been running since 2018. BBBH aims to develop leadership skills in these students and provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to work as a team toward evidence-based positive change in their schools, using school data/student surveys to identify priorities. Well done girls!
GHS Football
Our Year 8 football team had a big day defeating Newcomb Secondary in round 1 and losing to Lara Secondary in round 2. The best players on the day were Trent Salter (captain on his birthday), Declan Hamann, and Archie Harper.
Our Intermediate Boys Football Team coached by Warren Finlayson competed in a local interschool competition. They managed to defeat Grovedale Secondary and Bellarine Secondary before losing to Belmont High in the third round. Dylan Moore, Koby Olsen, and Hudson Grundell made up our best players on the day. Well done!
The University of Melbourne School of Mathematics and Statistics
On Wednesday 17th May, Geelong High School hosted three mathematicians from The University of Melbourne School of Mathematics and Statistics as part of the Micro Mathematicians incursion. Thirty-nine of our brightest mathematics students across Years 8, 9 & 10 participated in the incursion facilitated by Cindy, Dom, and Susan. The students explored various patterns which at first were seemingly unrelated but upon further inspection were actually BIJECTIONS. A bijection is a function or a rule which pairs elements in sets in a one-to-one function. Students used a variety of items to explore these one-to-one relationships, such as Lego, strips of coloured paper, coordinate graphs, and binary code. The inquiry nature of the incursion required students to collaborate with others as they created and analysed patterns, and students posed many questions about the relationships between seemingly unrelated sets. Students had the opportunity to engage with the mathematicians from The University of Melbourne and demonstrated many of the Geelong High School values during the event. Well done Micro Mathematicians! Ms. Chapman
Year 7 camp
2023 Premier Reading Challenge
By Premier Reading Challenge
The challenge promotes and improves literacy levels, language skills and enhances imagination and creativity among students. Additionally, the program offers rewards and incentives for participants, (certificates and medals) to recognise their reading achievements and motivate them to keep reading.
The students can self-register online however, I am happy to do this with them, it will give us the platform to explain the challenge in detail and get to know the students and their book choices. The library will be giving out footy bookmarks to each student who registers.
Your support and cooperation in encouraging the students in your class to participate will be greatly appreciated.
“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” -Margaret Fuller
Local Parent Forums
By City of greater Geelong
Bellarine Performing Arts
Our mission at Bellarine Performing Arts is to enrich the lives of young performers in a fun, safe and creative environment. Whether it’s expanding abilities or building confidence, we are here to enhance our community by providing theatre arts education, dance, musical theatre, vocal training and performance opportunities.
For more information and enrolments visit our website at: