A Message From The Principal #1
Welcome back to Geelong High for 2023. Welcome to our 940 students and 110 staff:
It has been a great start to the year for all of the students and I particularly welcome all the new Year 7’s and students in other year levels to the school. As your new Principal I have been meeting lots of the students and getting to know them. Can I thank all the parents, staff and students who have made me feel welcome. I look forward to working with you all over the coming years.
To the parent community my door is always open to you. If at any time you have comments both positive and negative please let me know. As a school we are always trying to improve and make sure we do an excellent job in the education of your son/ daughter.
What has impressed me so far in the respect that the students and the community have for the school. This value is extremely important to me - respect. It will be something that is reinforced at the school in all things that we do. Students will have respect for themselves, their school and their community.
I am certainly aware of all the hard work that has been taking place regarding our new buildings and it is fantastic to be in these new spaces.
I encourage all students and families to start the academic year strongly by establishing quality learning, study and organisation practices. If your child is to achieve at, or above, their best then this requires hard work, commitment and diligence. It also benefits tremendously from home support. As a parent you can assist your child by insisting they complete homework (there is always something your child needs to do: don’t accept any response that denies this!) You can also provide them with a quiet place to study. Above all, being interested in your child’s work, projects and progress and regularly asking them about their subjects can make a significant difference.
Our young people need all of our encouragement, support, reminders and celebration to assist them with being motivated and organised to achieve their best. It is easy to stay updated with School events through our website and through Compass. You can also use Compass to check your child’s timetable and notices to assist with their organisation.
Communication between school and home is critical. As a school, we do not encourage email dialogue. If you have any concerns or questions then it’s best to act on them early. Please feel free to phone the Class Group or classroom teachers to discuss any learning or personal matters. Parents are also welcome to contact the Year Level Manager. It’s important that we work together.
We welcome the following newcomers:
Annalie Tigani |
English |
Alister Murnane |
English |
Hannah Kenny |
English |
Abby Graham |
Jamie Long |
Japanese/Psych |
Mark O'Meara |
Computing |
Charlotte Nicholls |
Math |
Courtney Jeantou |
Andrew Kearney |
Math |
Joshua Grabowski |
Eng/Hums/HAPE |
Kathryn Buckland |
Warren Finlayson |
1.0 |
Lauren Albrecht |
1.0 |
Dance HAPE |
Kach Mann |
0.4 |
MLYNS/Tutoring |
School Uniform
It has been extremely pleasing to see all the students in their uniforms and presenting themselves in a positive way. Can I remind all students and parents that it is requirement for all students to wear the school uniform. The uniform policy and requirements have been sent to parents and it is a school requirement that all students wear correct uniform at all times.
School Council Election
Geelong High School Council elections will be held early this term. I encourage all parents and guardians to carefully consider how they can best contribute to and support the continued growth and development of Geelong High and in doing so to consider the possibility of nominating for election to the Geelong High Council. The Council is a legally formed body with the power to set key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines and frameworks. In doing this, School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education to school provides to its students.
I would like to thank the all members of Council for their support of the School over their tenure and the energy and effort they put in to the improvement of Geelong High and in securing the best educational outcomes for our students. Councillors who remain as DET employees or as parents of the School are welcome to stand for re-election.
There will be two (2) vacancies on School Council for Department of Education Training and (DET) employees , two (2) vacancies for student representatives and two (2) vacancies for parent members for a two-year term commencing in March 2023 to February 2025. All parents/guardians of students at Geelong High are eligible to vote for parent members. Persons who work at Geelong High as DET employees are eligible to vote for DET positions at the election. The newly formed Council will determine the co-option of a community member. The term of office for School Council membership is for two years.
The following timeline will apply to the conduct of the election:
Thursday 16th Feb |
Nominations for vacant positions open |
Tuesday 28th Feb |
Nominations close |
Monday 6th March |
List of candidates and nominators posted Ballot papers distributed |
Monday 20th March |
Ballot closes |
Wednesday 22nd March |
Declaration of Poll. |
Nomination forms can be obtained from the Administration Office during normal office hours.
As we start the school year can I just remind parents that if you are coming to the school to come to the front office as a first point of contact. This allows us to provide better service to you and that your questions can be answered quickly. I have been impressed by the way parents have respectfully discussed maters with the front office and I thank all parents for the respectful way we are able to work though any concerns. As teachers, parents and as a whole school community we can set the example to the young people on how we talk and deal with any issues. I think all of us would agree that respect is at the heart to any productive learning environment.
Davin Reid
Urinetown The Musical - Auditions
Year 7 Barwon Art Class 2023
Year 7 & 10 Immunisations 2023
Barwon Health will again be providing their Secondary School Immunisation Program in 2023.
Year Seven students will be able to receive their GARDASIL (Human Papillomavirus) dose 1 (2nd dose on 3/11) and BOOSTRIX (diphtheria, tetanus & whooping cough) on Thursday 02.03.23. All forms need to be returned, regardless of consent given or withheld for immunisation, and these will be collected by Barwon Health on Friday 04.02.23.
Year Ten students will be able to receive their NIMENRIX (meningococcal ACWY) on Thursday 10.08.23. Forms will go home in Week Two of Term One and again, all forms need to be returned, regardless of consent given or withheld for immunisation. These will be collected by Barwon Health on Thursday 03.03.23.
Please see below for the information we share with Barwon Health to provide this service. Importantly, if you do wish to have your data withheld, you must let us know before Feb 14th.
Julianna Garcia
Assistant Principal
Secondary School Immunisation Program
Dear parent/guardian
The Secondary School Immunisation Program offers free vaccines to all eligible Year 7 and Year 10 students.
Year 7 students
- Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping cough (pertussis) - single injection
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) – two injections, spaced a minimum of six months apart
Year 10 students
- Meningococcal ACWY – single injection
The local council immunisation service, Barwon Health immunisation service, delivers the school-based immunisation program. They provide immunisation consent forms to your child’s school for your child to bring home. Parents/guardians are required to complete and return the immunisation consent forms to their child’s school, whether consent is YES or NO to immunisation, so that your wishes can be recorded.
The Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019 authorises secondary schools to provide their local council with student and parent/guardian contact information for any student scheduled to receive a vaccination. This information is only used to assist local councils to follow-up parents/guardians of students with incomplete or missing immunisation consent forms.
What information is given to local council?
The school provides the following basic student and parent/guardian contact information to the local council immunisation service:
- student name, date of birth, gender, year level and class group, parent/guardian contact details and Language spoken at home.
Why does the school provide this information?
- To improve communication with parents/guardians regarding their child’s vaccination needs.
- To ensure all eligible students are offered the opportunity to access free vaccinations at school.
- To reduce the administrative burden on school staff to follow-up consent forms.
- To eliminate manual data entry processes.
What do I need to do?
- Read the information provided in your child’s consent form and complete all sections.
- Return the immunisation consent form with all relevant fields completed to school, even if you choose not to consent for your child to be vaccinated as part of the secondary school immunisation program.
- Your information will be provided to Barwon Health immunisation service on Tuesday 15th February 2023 If you do not wish for your details to be provided, please advise the school in writing before the 14th February 2023.
Every day vaccination saves lives and makes it possible for Victorians to live free from the illness and disability caused by many infectious diseases.
For further information please go to https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/immunisation-in-secondary- schools
WANTED - Milk Crates

GHS House Swimming Carnival 2023
The Inter House Swimming Carnival is on Tuesday 14th February at Kardinia pool. Students are encouraged to dress in house colours on the day – parents encouraged to attend on the day as spectators. The more the merrier.
Then the Inter House Athletics is on Tuesday 14th March ……same as above – parents encouraged to attend this whole school event at Landy Field.
Students are encouraged to come along and participate to win points for your house, cheer on your peers and enjoy a great day out with the GHS school community.
Learning Assessment Task Changes
Dear Parents and Community,
Across 2022 Geelong High School has been reviewing assessment and reporting. In 2023 there are a number of changes intended to improve assessment and reporting processes that parents should be aware of. The purpose of these changes is to improve student focus on learning, to empower them to act on feedback in a timely manner and to help communicate with parents and families more effectively how students are progressing.
Learning Assessment Task Changes
As of 2023 the only assessment tasks that will be visible through Compass are important Common Assessment Tasks Years 7-10 (CATs) and School Assessed Coursework at VCE (SACs). These assessment tasks will be visible once the teacher has released the results to students and will include a Victorian Curriculum Level and a comment. Parents are encouraged to access this feedback and discuss the progress of their children on an ongoing basis.
Change to Reports
Progress Reports will still occur at the end of Term 1 and 3, and Semester Reports will happen as usual at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2. On the Semester Reports, students will continue to receive a Victorian Curriculum Level for each subject and the report will include a summary of their CATs/SACs depending on what year they are in. There will also be a review of students Study Habits in both reports.
Victorian Curriculum Levels 7-10
In Years 7-10 Geelong High School is now using Victorian Curriculum Levels as suggested by the Victorian Department of Education. This commenced at the beginning of 2022 and will apply to all subjects. Schools are mandated to use Victorian Curriculum Levels in line with current research focused on growth and improvement. To understand Victorian Curriculum Levels, please use the following table. The right hand column shows when each rating would be the average that most students attain.
Victorian Curriculum Level |
At standard rating |
Did not Pass |
6.5 |
Mid Year 7 |
7 |
End of Year 7 |
7.5 |
Mid Year 8 |
8 |
End of Year 8 |
8.5 |
Mid Year 9 |
9 |
End of Year 9 |
9.5 |
Mid Year 10 |
10 |
End of Year 10 |
10.5 |
On track for a B or above at VCE |
11 |
On track for a B+ or above at VCE |
Whilst Victorian Curriculum Levels do track attainment, it is worth noting that schools and students should be particularly focused on growth and how students are progressing. Even in one year students can radically improve their outcomes in any particular subject and levels are only indications of current attainment not ability. Many students improve from below the standard outcomes in junior years to top outcomes in the senior years.
The new version of the Semester Reports will continue to show student growth by including a visual showing their progress from the previous year.
VCE Grading Scale
Students at VCE are scored from A+-E for all School Based Assessments. Whilst these outcomes are strong indicators of attainment students and families must be aware that they are statistically moderated against the General Achievement Test (GAT) and exam performance. For this reason, outcomes might change significantly between the SAC result being given by the teacher and the final outcome.
Parent and Family Feedback
During 2023 we would be happy to receive feedback from parents and families about the changes to reporting systems. Please feel free to email the school any questions or ideas about how we might further improve our reporting process.
All the best,
Mr McConchie
Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning
Did You Know??
You can’t smell anything while asleep!

Social Media @ Geelong High School
Social Media @ Geelong High School
Geelong High School has Facebook and Youtube media platforms to keep parents, students and our community informed about events, activities and important public school notices.

On Facebook you will find information and photographs of students at work, excursions, functions and education activities. Facebook will also feature important notices for students and parents.
Please ‘LIKE’ our Facebook page and stay informed about the wonderful events and activities we have at Geelong High School.

Our Youtube channel features video clips of student events and activities, messages from our Principal, information about the school and learning areas plus short films by students.
Youtube link to Geelong High School channel
School Crossings
The team at School Crossings hope you’ve had a great holiday break and enjoyed your time with family and friends.
We all have a shared responsibility to build your students understanding of road safety, this is only achievable with Council, schools, parents and students working collaboratively together. I have attached information in the Term 1 2023 newsletter that captures “School crossing Safety”, it would be highly beneficial for your school to add this content to your schools weekly newsletter as education to both students and parents alike.
Some ideas to educate our parents and students about Reducing Car Trips.
- Try to walk or ride to school.
- Park a little further away from school and enjoy a short walk – avoiding traffic and parking pressure. Check out your google maps for local sporting reserves with parking that can be used by families during the week.
- The old carpool with a friend 😊.
Please access the Term 1 newsletter on the below link.
School Crossings Term 1 Newsletter
All the best for 2023.
Kind regards,
Donna Cornwill (she/her) Health & Local Laws City of Greater Geelong WADAWURRUNG COUNTRY PO BOX 104 GEELONG VIC 3220 AUSTRALIA P: 03 5272 1087 | M: 0403 132 455 |
Host a Japanese Student
Class Above Driving School

Thomson Football & Netball Club