A Message from the Principal
By Davin Reid
Welcome back to Geelong High for 2024. Welcome to our 946 students and 113 staff.
It has been a great start to the year for all of the students and I particularly welcome all the new Year 7’s and students in other year levels to the school. Thanks to all parents and students involved in the start up day and goal setting. We hope this was a useful way to start the year and prepare students for a successful year of learning. I would be certainly interested to hear from parents regarding this day.
To the parent community my door is always open to you. If at any time you have comments both positive and negative, please let me know. As a school we are always trying to improve and make sure we do an excellent job in the education of your son/daughter.
I encourage all students and families to start the academic year strongly by establishing quality learning, study, and organisation practices. If your child is to achieve at, or above, their best then this requires hard work, commitment, and diligence. It also benefits tremendously from home support. As a parent you can assist your child by insisting, they complete homework (there is always something your child needs to do: don’t accept any response that denies this!) You can also provide them with a quiet place to study. Above all, being interested in your child’s work, projects and progress, and regularly asking them about their subjects can make a significant difference.
Over the holiday break there has been a considerable amount of work on improving the physical learning environment at the school and also some work that has started that will be finished soon. Shade sails over rear stage and Year 7 area (in progress), new carpet in Science rooms, painting of classrooms V1-4, W2 and Conference room, installation of commercial dishwasher in Food Tech, installation of illuminated signage on Garden St corner, installation of new dance floor in the Dance Studio, installation of new fencing on Ryrie St and Eastern Boundary (in progress) and the installation of blinds in several classrooms.
Our young people need all of our encouragement, support, reminders, and celebration to assist them with being motivated and organised to achieve their best. It is easy to stay updated with School events through our website and through Compass. You can also use Compass to check your child’s timetable and notices to assist with their organisation.
Communication between school and home is critical. If you have any concerns or questions, then it’s best to act on them early. Please feel free to phone the Home Group or classroom teachers to discuss any learning or personal matters. Parents are also welcome to contact the House Leader. It’s important that we work together.
I wanted to mention Kaylee Short in Year 11. This year all the staff have a diary provided to them and the front cover was designed by Kaylee. Great artwork Kaylee!
At the start of the year, we have had a number of parents donate books and clothes because their child has left the school. Thank you to all of those families who have kindly supported the school and allow us to support those families in need. Thank you!
We welcome the following newcomers:
Taylor Cole – English
Caitlin Gulli – Maths / Science
Ellece Febey – Science
Rebecca Hall- Science
Ellen Nicholls – English/ Humanities
Sarah Tolley – PE / House Leader
Ashlee Day – House Support
Allen Gilmour – Wood
Rebecca Evans – Food
Shenie Bennett – English / Humanities
Aaran Gemmill – Science
Matthew Kilfoyle - Maths
Tayla Clayton – Art
Cheryne Bird – Food Technology Assistant
School Uniform
It has been extremely pleasing to see all the students in their uniforms and presenting themselves in a positive way. Can I remind all students and parents that it is requirement for all students to wear the school uniform. The uniform policy and requirements have been sent to parents and it is a school requirement that all students wear correct uniform at all times.
School Council Election
Geelong High School Council elections will be held early this term. I encourage all parents and guardians to carefully consider how they can best contribute to and support the continued growth and development of Geelong High and in doing so to consider the possibility of nominating for election to the Geelong High Council. The Council is a legally formed body with the power to set key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines and frameworks. In doing this, School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education to school provides to its students.
I would like to thank all members of Council for their support of the School over their tenure and the energy and effort they put in to the improvement of Geelong High and in securing the best educational outcomes for our students. Councillors who remain as DET employees or as parents of the school are welcome to stand for re-election.
There will be two (2) vacancies on School Council for Department of Education Training and (DET) employees, two (2) vacancies for student representatives and three (3) vacancies for parent members for a two-year term commencing in March 2024 to February 2026. All parents/guardians of students at Geelong High are eligible to vote for parent members. Persons who work at Geelong High as DET employees are eligible to vote for DET positions at the election. The newly formed Council will determine the co-option of a community member. The term of office for School Council membership is for two years.
The following timeline will apply to the conduct of the election:
Thursday 15th Feb |
Nominations for vacant positions open |
Thursday 29th Feb |
Nominations close |
Monday 4th March |
List of candidates and nominators posted. Ballot papers distributed |
Monday 18th March |
Ballot closes |
Wednesday 20th March |
Declaration of Poll. |
Nomination forms can be obtained from the Administration Office during normal office hours.
Welcome to Country
Teachers and staff returned to Geelong High for the start of the 2024 school year on the 29th of January.
Kristi Watts from Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-Op conducted a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony for all teachers and staff.
A fantastic way to focus, reflect and start the new year.
Day One!
Year 7 2025 Information Evening

Accelerated Learning Program 2025
Applications Now Open
Geelong High School's Accelerated Learning Program is a great opportunity for Grade 6 students who are looking for extra challenge in Years 7-9 and who are motivated and engaged learners that wish to be part of a program for like-minded students.

Some key characteristics of our ALP program are:
- Acceleration in the core subjects of Maths, English, Science and Humanities from Year 7
- More higher order thinking
- Less repetition of content
- Faster curriculum progression
- Opportunities for acceleration into the Senior Years
- A wide range of extracurricular extension opportunities
- A focus on deep learning and academic enrichment
What does acceleration mean at GHS?
Acceleration means progressing through curriculum and learning faster, having more challenging opportunities and more emphasis on leadership and higher order thinking skills. Students in the ALP will accelerate in English, Science, Maths and Humanities from Year 7-9 together as a class.
From Year 10 they will continue to be able to accelerate as part of our wider acceleration program across all subjects and open to all students.
What extracurricular activities can I get involved in?

Students will be able to take part in debating, Model United Nations, the entirely student run newspaper, World Scholars Cup, our peripatetic music tuition program, bands, our orchestra, the school production, a myriad of sporting teams and experiences, student leadership training and opportunities, ICAS assessment competitions, a wide range of lunchtime clubs, the Australian Mathematics Competition, The University of Melbourne Micro-Mathematicians Incursion and Maths Competition, Maths Games Day (Victorian Challenge and Enrichment) and activities such as chess club, manga anime club and more.
Accelerated Learning Program Course Structure and Eligibility

Student Eligibility
Accelerated Learning Programs are not for all students and whilst they can be rewarding, they can also be challenging as students will be expected to be self-motivated and independent learners. Two key parts of the program will be increased workload and faster curriculum coverage in the early years of secondary school and students must be prepared to engage positively with this extra challenge.
The ALP program is suited to students who:
- Are engaged by academic challenge
- Enjoy problem solving
- Are mature and committed to their learning
- Are motivated to achieve excellence
- Enjoy working alongside like-minded peers
- Thrive in independent and collaborative learning
How do I apply?
In 2024, Grade 6 students looking to be accepted into the GHS Accelerated Learning Program should apply either in the 'Round 1' cycle or 'Round 2' cycle of applications. Whilst all students may apply at any time, only students who live in the Geelong High School Zone can be considered for a place in Round 1 as part of a new initiative by the Department of Education. Please go to the Find My School website to see if you are within the zone for Geelong High School. Students who are not in the zone are still strongly encouraged to apply.
All students who apply must complete the application form on the school website and take it to the front office.
Round 1 (In Zone) Applications are due by Monday the 15th of April.
Round 2 (Open) Applications are due by Monday the 22nd of July.
When your primary school gives you your High School preference sheet, ensure that you put Geelong High School as your number one preference. There is also a test and interview for all candidates.
Please contact the school on geelong.hs@education.vic.gov.au with any questions or to request a phone call.
School Facilities Update
Since the last Newsletter sent out at the end of last year, the school has continued to make progress on several facilities projects:
- Installation of the long-awaited new shade sails have finally been completed, with the stepped area in the Year 7 courtyard beside the CA Love Hall, and the outdoor concrete stage and performing area at the rear of the Kroger building now covered by two very impressive shade sails.

- All Science classrooms have been re-carpeted; the first time since the wing was constructed in 2004.
- All classrooms on the ground floor of the Kroger building have been repainted.
- All concrete and bitumen hard surfaces throughout the school yard have been pressure washed using dry-ice technology for the removal of chewing gum.
- Works have commenced with replacing the boundary fencing along the Ryrie Street frontage (east of the front entrance), and the eastern boundary bordering Eastern Park with black palisade style fencing.

Other works planned for completion through Semester 1 are:
- Continuation of the fencing replacement program, with the next stage being the entire northern boundary to the rear of the school facing Eastern Park.
- In concert with the new fencing, will be improved gate entrance signage, and directional signage to help visitors navigate their way around the school.
- Design and redevelopment of a new VCE common area within the current canteen area.
As these works progress, we will continue to keep our GHS community informed.
Business Manager
David Board
Homework at GHS
By Tessa Kirk

Swimming Carnival
By Sonia Kinsey - Sports Co-ordinator
The annual Interhouse swimming sports took place last Tuesday 13th February. The weather was magnificent and it set the scene for what would become a very close competition between all 4 houses. The point score at the end was very close with less that 100 points separating 1st to 4th place. Moorabool house came up victors on the day with Corio a very close second. Leigh was third, followed by Barwon in fourth place.
Student participation was up on previous years, most likely due to the weather but it is also looking like the new kids on the “block”, the Year 7s, are very keen to be involved in competition between the houses.
Age group champions will be presented at the next whole school assembly as these were not presented on the day. Students who placed on the day will have the opportunity to swim in the Interschool swimming events which will be held on March 1st against other Geelong and district schools.
Well done to everyone involved – we are also looking forward to the Interhouse athletics which will be held at Landy Field on March 7th. Spectators are welcome to come to this event.
Thanks for your support
By Andrew McConchie - Assistant Principal
Dear Parent/Carer
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students are held in March each year. In 2024, the NAPLAN test window is between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 25 March.
NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The results of the tests provide information for students, parents/carers, teachers and principals and can be used to improve student achievement.
NAPLAN tests are delivered in an online format. This delivers many benefits including:
- a ‘tailored test’ design that adapts to correct and incorrect student responses providing a more precise understanding of student achievement;
- innovative use of technology, including a more engaging test design and a wider range of item types;
- an extended and more flexible test window, allowing schools greater opportunity to schedule the tests at times that suit them best and increasing student participation.
A public demonstration site is available for schools, teachers, parents/carers and students to familiarise themselves with the online tests.
All eligible students are expected to participate in the NAPLAN tests. Catch up tests will be available for individual students who are absent on test days up to and including Monday 25 March 2024.
Support can be arranged for students with disabilities, if the student regularly uses similar support for classroom assessment tasks.
Exemptions may be granted to students with significant intellectual disabilities and to students who have been learning English for less than one year.
If your child is eligible for support due to disability or exemption, you should discuss this with their teacher prior to the tests. Parental consent is required before any support due to disability or exemption is granted.
Students may be withdrawn from NAPLAN by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with the principal. If, after consultation, you decide to withdraw your child, you must sign a student withdrawal form. If you would like to speak to a Principal about withdrawing your child, please leave your details HERE.
Later in the year you will receive your child’s personal NAPLAN report. The report will describe your child’s particular skills in reading, writing, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
I am confident that the information you receive as a result of your child’s participation in the NAPLAN tests will be valuable in helping you to assess your child’s progress in literacy and numeracy.
For more information about the tests, please visit the VCAA website at: www.vcaa.vic.edu.au or the NAP website at: www.nap.edu.au.
Yours sincerely
Andrew McConchie
Assistant Principal
Host Families Wanted!

Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme
By Tim Molloy
Hi Parents
Geelong High School is a registered community partner for the CDS for 2024. This means as well as the containers that are being collected at school you could donate the funds from any containers returned to a collection point to Geelong High School. The money raised is going directly to buying equipment to get students into the outdoor environment. Gear like wetsuits, backpacks, outdoor basketballs etc.
On the CDS VIC app you can look for GHS under charities and nominate GHS as your active pay out. Any refund amount would be great as it all adds up. A win for the school, students and also the environment.
Also please remind your child if they have any of the below containers to put them in the collection containers at school and not in the bin
Thanks Tim Molloy

Vocal Group & Music Lessons
Vocal Group
We are running a Vocal Group every Wednesday Lunchtime, in the Music House! Please see the office for more information

Music Lessons
Learn to play a musical instrument at Geelong High School! The benefits of learning a musical instrument are many. They include the development of fine motor co-ordination, superb aural training.
In addition, the art of learning to read music and transfer the symbols on the printed page into the physical act of playing is beneficial for the intellectual development of the child. As the student progresses, they will develop a greater sense of aesthetic and cultural appreciation. Other benefits include collaboration and the social involvement of making music with others, the development of self-discipline required to practice, enhanced self-esteem, and appreciation of music at a far higher level than could ever be learnt or experienced just from passive listening.
Music Lessons are available to all GHS students, year 7 to 12 within our tuition program. Lessons are currently available on: Trumpet, Trombone, Flute, Clarinet, Violin & Cello. No need to own an instrument, GHS Music program can hire these instruments to you. Tuition fees can also be placed on a payment plan through the administration office.
Be part of our Chamber Orchestra, Brass and Woodwind Ensemble and Suzuki Strings today!
Enrolment forms can be picked up in person at the administration office or requested to be emailed to you.

Geelong High School Presents 'Alice by Heart'
By Tessa Kirk - Performing Arts Teacher

Our Drama Teacher, Ms Kirk is very excited to announce the cast list for ALICE BY HEART. A huge thanks to everyone who auditioned for this exciting school production which also features a huge ensemble cast.
ALICE SPENCER - Annabelle Lane
DODGY / DUCHESS - Lachlan Kearton
CLARISSA - Matilda Patching
NIGEL - Mikael Stowers
CATERPILLAR 2 - Addison Kemp
THE MOCK TURTLES - Lily West, Gabe Pope, Zach Edwards-Bone
Addison Kemp
Lexi Carroll
Lily West
Gabe Pope
Zach Edwards-Bone
Ruby Barker
Keelie Dunn
Lucy Barrett
Inter-school Debating 2024 - Years 9 & 10
By Rob Houghton
This year GHS will again be participating in the DAV inter-schools debating competition. Students who involve themselves in debating benefit enormously, as skills such as researching, teamwork, and of course, public speaking are all intrinsic to the process.
There will be an opportunity for Year 9 and 10 students to represent the school in the evening competition, as well as receive valuable training and tuition from a debating expert.
Any student who is interested or who has further queries should see Mr Houghton.
Food Technology Prac Classes
By Katherine Talbot - Food Studies Teacher
Containers are required for all prac classes. We are trying to be sustainable in the GHS kitchens and this includes reducing the use of single use plastics. Containers can be as simple as a recycled ice cream container, but must be clean.
Students are required to have hair tied back to participate in practical tasks in the kitchen. They need to remember to bring a hair tie.
Students have been informed which day of the week they have a prac class, and are told in advance of any changes to prac days and what they’re making.
Finally students are encouraged to regularly practise their cooking skills at home.
Library Update
Hey there, explorers, creators, and knowledge seekers!
Welcome to your 2024 Learning Adventure!

Whether you are a new face or a returning champion, the library is thrilled to welcome you back for another amazing year of learning and discovery. Be ready to dive into fiction, embark on non-fiction journeys, and explore new worlds through graphic novels, audiobooks, and even virtual reality experiences!

Above all we have chess, puzzles, uno and a whole lot more.

Once again, no devices are allowed during lunch time every Wednesday, as it is our activity day. We encourage all students to come in and participate in our events or have a chat with other students. Our activities include but not limited to rock paintings, virtual reality, treasure hunts, dream catchers, badge making, quizzes, jewellery making, etc.
In the first two weeks of the term, the library has conducted orientation sessions with all Year 7, 8 and 9s English classes, preparing the students for their reading conference sessions. In a way this also encourages students to utilise the resources we have in our beautiful library. It is important to note that since school opened, more than 360 books have been borrowed. To all Year 7s, 8s and 9s... keep up the amazing work.
We have changed to a new library management system called AccessIt.

The students are finding it easy to use and easy to explore our collection. There are different carousels on the library webpage showing new books and different genres that we have. There is also some cool quiz about book characters and events that students will enjoy answering.
Feel free to come in, any time, WE ARE HERE TO HELP.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr Seuss
Year 7 Beach Days
Last week, our Year 7's from Leigh and Barwon House went down to Torquay Beach for a day of learning how to surf!
Click the links below to see how the days went...
VM Careers Q&A
We ran a Careers Q&A session with our Year 11 and 12 VM students. We had many amazing guest speakers discuss their careers from diverse staff at GHS and external speakers from Bellarine Property Group, Fire Rescue, Paramedic, Geelong Police, LLEN and Geelong City Council.
Year 11 Careers Excursion
All year 11 students participated in their University/TAFE and Apprenticeship pathway exploration on Tuesday. Students had the opportunity to discover pathways into TAFE and University as well as speak with apprentices and Industry representatives.
Keep doing your research regarding your Career Pathway so that you are aware of all the options available to you.
Awesome work Year 11.
Calling Community Musicians
By Tessa Kirk - Performing Arts Teacher

Parent Education Events Term 1
By City of Greater Geelong
Parent Education Events Geelong and Barwon Southwest Region
TERM 1, 2024
All Regional Parenting Service programs along with MELI (formerly Barwon Child Youth & Family (BCYF) and Bethany), Family Relationship Centre, Drummond St Services and Barwon Southwest Region programs will be offered face to face or online. Bookings are essential.
Year 7 & 8 Homework Tutoring
By Mr McConchie - Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning
Dear Parent/Carers,
This year as part of our initiative focused on developing independent learner skills we are again offering the Year 7 and 8 Homework Tutoring Group after school on a Wednesday in K4, from 3.10-4.10. A Maths and English teacher, Ms O’Keefe and Ms Seyam will be available to support students during these times.
If a teacher requests a student to attend the session parents will receive a notification through Compass and a roll will be taken to show their attendance. If a parent would like their child to attend they can email the school and we will ensure they are on the roll. Students can also request to be added to the attendance roll if they would like some extra support with Homework or classwork from any subject, or just a quiet, focused place.
All the best,
Mr McConchie
Assistant Principal: Teaching and Learning