A Message from the Principal
By Davin Reid
The start of this term has been a very busy one with many different activities and some outstanding learning opportunities. Students in Year 7 had a great 3 days on camp. I was fortunate enough to attend for a few days and while it was very cold in the morning, we had some beautiful days.
To assist parents with planning our next Pupil Free Day is Tuesday the 18thth of June. This is the day of the GAT, so it allows all students to sit the GAT without disruption.
We have had our Cross Country and thanks to Ms Kinsey for organising all of the sport activities. It was great to see the whole school involved in the Cross Country this year whether it was running or walking. Geelong High were also winners at the Bellarine Division Athletics, with a number of students moving on to compete at the Western Metro Finals.
At the start of the Term, we had our School Anzac and Investiture Assembly and I thank all of the students for the way they showed respect for those who have served and in particular our School Captains for leading us through this important recognition of our service men and women.
Thanks to Ms Cameron, Ms Gee and the Senior school team for all of their work in organising all of the activities for the Year 9 Careers Weeks. Students visited a number of venues to look at their future pathways. Students had the opportunity to visit the Gordon and the opportunities that exist there.
At the end of this term, we are planning to do some building works at the front office which will hopefully improve the service parents receive. This however will mean for the last 1-2 weeks we will have to move the front office to Y3. We will have signage directing parents but please understand it may take a little longer to answer questions and phone calls.
Recently we have updated a number of our Child Safe Polices and Code of Conduct. These are placed on our website. I encourage parents to have a look at these and if there is any feedback please contact me directly.
The school has a number of polices such as enrolment, excursion, yard duty hours of supervision and complaints process. If parents are looking for any school polices, you will find these on our website and please provide any feedback to me.
The selection process for the School of Student Leadership scholarship program at the Don Valley Campus is complete and the following students have been selected. They are all very excited, as they should be!
Ruby Barker
Makayla Ordner
Georgia Smith
Lachlan Harland
Ari Iliff
Aderinmola Ola-James
Investiture & ANZAC Day Ceremony
Year 7 Camp
On Wednesday the 17th of April, 131 Year 7 students headed up to Alexandra Adventure Resort for a two night camp. The students’ limits were pushed with activities such as the flying fox, high ropes course, canoeing and the leap of faith to name a few.
The staff who attended were very impressed by the sense of adventure the students had, the way they stepped out of their comfort zone and tried something new which was at times even a little bit scary.
Well done to all of the Year 7 students who attended for their respect, effort, positivity and teamwork, all of which encompass our school’s core values.
BBBH - Lazarus Community Centre
Be Bold Be Heard group – visit to Lazarus Community Centre
Last Wednesday, we walked from Geelong High School to the Lazarus Community Centre across from the hospital and helped prepare and serve lunch. We arrived by 9:15 and got straight into prepping some vegetables ready for lunch. We cut up 2 HUGE pumpkins and lots of potatoes into bite size pieces ready to be cooked and served with veal parmas. Prior to going we invited Jade Hamilton to our school to speak to her about how we could support Lazarus. We had met Jade a couple of times at the Be Bold Be Heard forums and were inspired by her work to want to support the centre. For our first visit, Jade recommended we keep it small. There were 5 students and 2 teachers that went which ended up making an amazing team. We helped sort and refold clothes, cut, prep, assemble and serve lunch, serve hot beverages and even prepared a dessert for later on, so that there wasn't anything going to waste.
We served lunch to about 30 of their clients. We came out with a wider perspective on what actually goes into serving lunch for so many people and some background on how Lazarus operate and what services they provide to vulnerable members of the community. As a school we are taking donations of the priority items to help Lazarus to keep helping and changing lives. Jade has so many plans for the future of Lazarus and has such a kind soul as she sets out every day to put a smile on at least one person’s face. Lazarus runs based on their volunteers, they have about 60 volunteers on rotation and have at least 4 people a day. Everyone was so sweet and welcoming, and it was so nice to see so many happy faces when we arrived. The second half of our group are looking forward to their visit to Lazarus later this term. The connection that Jade has with the clients is wonderful to see. Our Be Bold Be Heard group are going to keep working with Lazarus to create stronger community links with our school community. If you would like to contribute to our donation drive for Lazarus, you can drop off any of the following items to the front office:
- Men’s tracksuit pants and jeans
- Men’s & women’s jumpers
- Warm clothes
- Belts
- Cordial
- Coffee
- Sugar
- Biscuits
- Long life milk
- Long life custard
- Milo
- Can fruit
- Can tomatoes
- Passata
- Pasta sauces
- Toilet paper
- Paper towels
Abby Moss – 10MA
Production Camp
By Tessa Kirk
On Thursday the 16th of May our production students headed to Warra Gnan Coastal Camp in Warrnambool for a two-day rehearsal intensive. This unique experience brought together our talented students and dedicated staff for an unforgettable experience in the world of musical theatre as we rehearsed our production of Alice by Heart.
The camp kicked off with a warm welcome from the staff at Warra Gnan who introduced us to our cosy accommodation in the beautiful coastal surroundings of Warrnambool. After lunch, students dove straight into rehearsals learning vocal parts, polishing choreography and finalising blocking for the first half of the show.
The day concluded with our annual trivia dress-up extravaganza run by our amazing year 12 team - Neve Whittaker, Lily West, Lillian Stoel, Addison Kemp, Jasmine Van Der Meulen, Elliot Tenney and James Elliott.
The second day was all about bringing the first half of our production to life. The collaborative spirit was palpable, as everyone contributed their talent and energy to our very first run through of the first half of the show. It was exciting to see our hard work pay off as we saw the scenes coming together.
The Warra Gnan Coastal Camp proved to be the perfect setting for this enriching experience, offering a blend of natural beauty and excellent facilities. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the camp staff who made this event extra special. Thank you also to ex-students Harry Jones (2023), Lachlan Roncon (2023) and Caden Thorpe (2022) who attended and supported our students across the production camp.
This is now the production camp's fourth year. We are excited to continue the ongoing success of this camp as we nurture the creative talents of our students, providing them opportunities that inspire and empower them. Thank you to our staff members, Lauren Albrecht, Jamie Long and Andrew Mcconchie who made camp possible for our students.
Stay tuned on more news about our 2024 production of Alice by Heart. Tickets are on sale soon!!!
VCE Media Q&A Excursion
VCE Media students from Geelong High travelled to the ABC Studios in Southbank to participate in the audience and experience a live broadcast of Q&A.
A huge thanks to the ABC for providing the bus and this excellent opportunity to see a television studio in action.
Accelerated Learning Program 2025
Applications Now Open
Geelong High School's Accelerated Learning Program is a great opportunity for Grade 6 students who are looking for extra challenge in Years 7-9 and who are motivated and engaged learners that wish to be part of a program for like-minded students.

Some key characteristics of our ALP program are:
- Acceleration in the core subjects of Maths, English, Science and Humanities from Year 7
- More higher order thinking
- Less repetition of content
- Faster curriculum progression
- Opportunities for acceleration into the Senior Years
- A wide range of extracurricular extension opportunities
- A focus on deep learning and academic enrichment
What does acceleration mean at GHS?
Acceleration means progressing through curriculum and learning faster, having more challenging opportunities and more emphasis on leadership and higher order thinking skills. Students in the ALP will accelerate in English, Science, Maths and Humanities from Year 7-9 together as a class.
From Year 10 they will continue to be able to accelerate as part of our wider acceleration program across all subjects and open to all students.
What extracurricular activities can I get involved in?

Students will be able to take part in debating, Model United Nations, the entirely student run newspaper, World Scholars Cup, our peripatetic music tuition program, bands, our orchestra, the school production, a myriad of sporting teams and experiences, student leadership training and opportunities, ICAS assessment competitions, a wide range of lunchtime clubs, the Australian Mathematics Competition, The University of Melbourne Micro-Mathematicians Incursion and Maths Competition, Maths Games Day (Victorian Challenge and Enrichment) and activities such as chess club, manga anime club and more.
Accelerated Learning Program Course Structure and Eligibility

Student Eligibility
Accelerated Learning Programs are not for all students and whilst they can be rewarding, they can also be challenging as students will be expected to be self-motivated and independent learners. Two key parts of the program will be increased workload and faster curriculum coverage in the early years of secondary school and students must be prepared to engage positively with this extra challenge.
The ALP program is suited to students who:
- Are engaged by academic challenge
- Enjoy problem solving
- Are mature and committed to their learning
- Are motivated to achieve excellence
- Enjoy working alongside like-minded peers
- Thrive in independent and collaborative learning
How do I apply?
In 2024, Grade 6 students looking to be accepted into the GHS Accelerated Learning Program should apply either in the 'Round 1' cycle or 'Round 2' cycle of applications. Whilst all students may apply at any time, only students who live in the Geelong High School Zone can be considered for a place in Round 1 as part of a new initiative by the Department of Education. Please go to the Find My School website to see if you are within the zone for Geelong High School. Students who are not in the zone are still strongly encouraged to apply.
All students who apply must complete the application form on the school website and take it to the front office.
Round 1 (In Zone) Applications are due by Monday the 15th of April. Testing will be on Saturday the 27th of April.
Round 2 (Open) Applications are due by Monday the 22nd of July. Testing will be on Saturday the 10th of August.
When your primary school gives you your High School preference sheet, ensure that you put Geelong High School as your number one preference. There is also a test and interview for all candidates.
Please contact the school on geelong.hs@education.vic.gov.au with any questions or to request a phone call.
Elevate: Parent Webinars
Dear Parents and Student,
This article is a reminder to Geelong High School students and families about why we do homework, why it is important to do well and why it matters for your child’s learning.
What is homework?
At Geelong High School homework is work that is set for students to complete at home to reinforce the learning that is happening at school. It should be closely connected to the teaching and learning that is happening at school.
Why is Homework important?
In the senior years of high school, the amount of study that students do will have a significant impact upon their outcomes and so students must develop the type of independent learning skills that are needed to complete homework effectively and meaningfully. We all know that to understand something in class is very different from being able to explain it or apply it, and so homework presents a valuable opportunity for students to move their learning at school into their long term memory and make it part of who they are and what they know and can do.
It is important to note that this skill, identifying something we want to learn and then being able to pursue it, isn’t just for VCE students - it is a valuable 21st Century skill applicable to a very wide range of pathways. With the rapid development of technology and the changing world of employment there are very few careers today that don’t regularly involve learning new skills and independently working out how to do that.
How can I support my child?
Here are some strategies to help you support your child in completing their homework effectively:
Check their Diaries: Encourage your child to use a planner or diary to write down assignments and deadlines. Regularly check their diaries to ensure they are keeping track of tasks and managing their time wisely. All students are required to have their diary in all their classes.
Create a Good Study Space: It's important for students to have a designated study area that is free from distractions. Even if space is limited at home, you can help create a conducive environment by providing a quiet corner with a desk or table, good lighting, and essential supplies like pens, paper, and a computer if possible.
Set Realistic Goals: Help your child set realistic goals for completing homework tasks. Break larger assignments into smaller, manageable chunks, and encourage them to prioritise tasks based on deadlines and difficulty level.
Encourage a Positive Attitude: Foster a positive attitude towards homework by emphasising the importance of learning and growth. Encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, and praise effort and progress.
Provide Emotional Support: Recognize that homework can sometimes be challenging and stressful for students. Offer emotional support, encouragement, and guidance when needed, and help them develop resilience and perseverance in overcoming obstacles.
Is there more support?
The following support is available:
Wednesday, 3:30-4:30: 7 and 8 Tutoring Support Homework Group (Library)
Wednesday, 3:30-5: VCE Alumni Mentoring Program (sign up through the Year 12 Google Classroom)
Monday and Tuesday: VCE portfolio students can access the art room until 4.30
Monday to Thursday - the VCE study centre in the library is open until 5pm
By working together to instill a positive attitude towards homework and providing the necessary support and resources, we can help our students thrive academically and develop lifelong learning skills.
Thank you for your partnership in your child's education.
Warm regards
Year 9 & 10 Drama Excursion
The Trojan War by A Slightly Isolated Dog
Geelong Arts Centre
Year 9 and 10 Drama students were fortunate to see the performance of The Trojan War, directed by Leo Gene Peters on Friday the 3rd of May.
When Paris is born, it is prophesied that he will bring the destruction of the city.
To avoid this fate, he is sent away to be sacrificed. But this starts a series of events that will inevitably lead to the destiny his parents were so desperately trying to avoid. THE TROJAN WAR tells the story of the tragic fall of Troy.
The final instalment of the successful works from A Slightly Isolated Dog, THE TROJAN WAR is a raucous celebration of our ridiculous lives: combining theatrical magic, wicked pop songs and fierce wit to playfully explore questions around the current chaos of our times.
The students were fantastic on the day and spent time analysing and evaluating the performance upon returning to class in preparation for their assessment.
Tessa Kirk & Ubaldino Mantelli
Performing Arts Teachers
Senior Girls Football
By Jamilla Cranny
On Thursday the 9th of May, I took out 25 Year 9 - 12 students to compete in the senior girls football competition at Winters reserve. The girls came away with two wins, against Bellarine and Oberon, before falling just short in a semi final against Belmont.
They showed great attitudes and performances all day, with stand out players being Meena, Jorjah Beach, Crystal Kelly and Annabelle Lane. Crystal Kelly also lead the way scoring five goals across the day.
Coached by Miss Cranny and assisted by Miss Johnston
Year 9 Careers Week
All Year 9 students participated in the Careers week which involved students completing TAFE modules, finishing their RESUME and Career Action Plan as well participating in practical activities. Each student has increased their knowledge on workplace communication and being safe in the workplace through OHS units. The student’s enthusiasm and willingness to learn while on site at The Gordon was brilliant.
Congratulations Year 9 students you rose to the many challenges presented to you.
Maths at GHS
By Joanne Pacitto - Numeracy Leader
This week Year 7-10 students participated in the Victoria Rocks Timetables Competition. The students competed against other students, displaying their timetable knowledge. Overall, Geelong High School came 31st, with the students answering 47,147 questions. We came third out of the participating secondary schools. Well done on a great effort.
Congratulations to our top students.
James Rivo 3,955 questions
Manatu Davetawalu 3,428 questions
Archer Di Stefano 2,719 questions
Well done to all students involved.
World of Maths - Year 7 Incursion
On May the 1st, Year 7 students participated in the World of Maths incursion. They worked in teams to solve a range of engaging problem solving tasks with a real life applications.
"We really liked the activities. They challenged our groups in cool ways. There was so much variety and they made us think hard. Our favourite was Simon Says. So many of us found it fun and worthwhile!"
By Bella McAdams and Aurora Bumpstead
Chamber Orchestra
By Mrs Andrea Kypriotis - Head of Strings GHS
The Geelong High School Chamber Orchestra is excited to have 30 students studying a huge program of pieces this year in readiness for their Spring Concert.
The program includes works from The Magic Flute by Mozart, Palladio by Karl Jenkins, Game of Thrones by Ramin Djawadi, Jupiter Rising by Gustav Holst, Seven Nation Army by White Stripes and Bitter Sweet Symphony by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, just to name a few. It is a very exciting program but a very challenging one.
The Chamber Orchestra rehearses every Monday 3.30 - 5.00 so feel free to come along and watch the rehearsal session. We would love to see you there.

National Athletics Championships
Two of our students competed at the recent National Athletics Championships in Adelaide. Angus Baker made the final for the 800m and came 7th. Leo Strzadala made the final for both the 200m and the 400m. He came 5th in the 400m and also ran a PB and then came 7th in the 200m.
Excellent results for both students. Well done!

Top Arts Excursion
Our Year 11 & 12 Art students visited The Ian Potter: National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). This excursion enabled students to moderate the work of their peers in Victoria.
Top Arts 2024 showcases extraordinary works of art and folios that achieved outstanding results in VCE Art or VCE Studio Arts 2023. Our students left feeling inspired by the creative processes, imaginative ideas, and skilful use of materials.
VM Excursion
Victorian Premiers' Challenge
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open and Geelong High School is excited to be participating.
- Call into the Library to register.
- Challenge yourself to read 15 books by Friday 6 September!
- Locate books you want to read by visiting the library and borrowing one of our THOUSANDS of BOOKS.
- GET A Certificate from the Victorian Premier.
- And a token from the Library.

No laptops allowed during lunchtime on Wednesdays. The library will be hosting different activities, and suggestions for new activities are welcome.
Please respect any and all requests made by staff members
Remove all caps, hats, beanies and hoods upon entry
No food or drink during break times, water in sealable containers only during class times
No chewing of gum
Respect your fellow students and staff members
· Use appropriate language at all times
· Keep noise at a reasonable volume at all times
· No jumping, running or physical contact at any time
The Library is a safe space for all students at Geelong High School, anyone who does not behave respectfully will be asked to leave.
Suzuki Strings
By Mrs Andrea Kypriotis - Head of Strings GHS
Suzuki Strings is our new beginner strings ensemble at Geelong High School this year. It is so exciting to see new young string players starting their ensemble journey with the goal to join our Chamber Orchestra later in the year.
Current Members: Lucas Youd, Addison Key, Amelie Ellul, Charli Walker-Donnelly, Kaitlin Scarlett, Ruby Britten, Paige McQueen and Rylie Brideson
Head of Strings: Mrs Andrea Kypriotis
Absent from photo: Rive Abram, Aaliyah Lamp, Hannah Barrios (violin) and Matthew Skey (Cello)

GHS Cross Country
Be Bold Be Heard Forum
By Katie Walsh
On Friday, half of our girls forum group attended the second Be Bold Be Heard forum for the year, hosted by Belmont High School. We had another productive, empowering and inspiring day.
The students were involved in a range of activities from yoga, taster activities at Biolab, bracelet making with students from other schools and hearing from another amazing panel of successful women in their own fields. Our group had time to reflect on their goals and work on their action plan moving forward.
We are excited to progress with our goal of creating stronger community links, through supporting Lazarus Community centre.
Alex Aidt - VCE Theatre Studies Top Class
Congratulations to Alex Aidt who graduated Geelong High School in 2023 and presented his A+ Theatre Studies monologue performance in VCAA’s Top Class concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre on Friday the 19th of April.
VCE Theatre Studies students travelled to Melbourne for this event to celebrate Alex’s achievements and gain inspiration for their upcoming monologue performances.
Top Class Dance, Drama, Theatre Studies, and Music are part of the Top Class series of concerts that celebrate outstanding performances by VCE and VCE VET performing arts students from the class of 2023.
Alex Aidt received a perfect score of 50 for Theatre Studies in 2023 and Geelong High is very proud of his achievements. Alex is currently studying at Monash University.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
Year 10 Future Me Program
Year 10 students recently participated in the FUTURE ME program supported by Deakin University. The students were challenged to develop their Employability Skills, especially communication. The students focused on body language, tone and verbal communication. In teams, the students developed interview questions to interview eight adults.
You were amazing Year 10 students, you really stretched yourself and stepped outside your comfort zone to complete the challenges presented you. Well done.
Ms Cameron and Deb
Intermediate & Senior Boys Football
By Sonia Kinsey
The Senior Boys Football, under the watchful eye of Steve Antonac, went out to play in the Geelong schools round robin last week with some of their boys having their last footy hit out before finishing at Geelong High at the end of this year. The boys played North Geelong in the first game, playing very well, winning at the final siren. They then came up against Belmont High, who were beaten by North Geelong earlier in the day. We just missed the win, which would have seen them then play in the finals. Mitch Lindsay was the main goal kicker for the day, with Charlie Gardner playing well around the field and Jackson Spong off the back line.
The Intermediate Boys went out earlier this week under the instruction of the great Darren Meadows. The boys played some great footy, however the shorter 12 minute halves did not really suit them in the end with the result being 2 wins and 1 loss. The winner of the 4 team pool played Western Heights in the final, with them later being the winners on the day. Best for us on the day were, Koby Olsen, Cooper Reed, Noah Dewsbury, Micah Shawcross, Harper Dunn and Mason Bosely. A lot of these boys will go up to the senior team next year and form the basis of what could be a strong Year 11 and 12 team.
Up next week is the Year 7 and 8 sport with football, netball and soccer going out Tuesday, followed by the same sports but different students on the Thursday. We wish them all the best.

Year 10 Science
At lunchtime today, Year 10 students had an opportunity to try out some interactive science activities and gather information on Unit 1 and 2 Sciences.

Homunculus – it’s the cortical representations of the motor distribution along the cerebral cortex of the brain!
Year 10 Skyline Student Scholarships
Year 10 Skyline Student Scholarships
Applications are now open for current Year 10 students to apply for a Skyline scholarship. If your child meets the criteria (below) and you’d like to nominate them for a scholarship, please apply (before Friday 7th of June 2024), via the QR code provided or by clicking this link:
2025-2026 Skyline Program Application Form (zohopublic.com)

Eligibility Criteria:
- Students currently in Year 10 and expected to complete Year 11 and 12 with a view to transitioning to tertiary education or career of choice.
- Students are Australian and/ or NZ citizens, or hold a humanitarian visa.
- Students are in financial need and/or experiencing social adversity.
- Students identified as high-ability or high potential.
What is the Skyline Program?
Offers a comprehensive support system for students throughout their two years of VCE. The Skyline Program invests in four key areas (mentoring and community-building; financial support; personal, academic and career development; complementary partnerships/services) vital for equipping students with the best chance of success at school – and in life.
Please contact Leah Clayton or Lachlan Envall at GHS for further information
Bellarine Division Athletics
Winners of:
- Junior BOYS
- Intermediate BOYS
- Senior BOYS
- Overall BOYS winner
- Senior GIRLS
Junior Engineers

Facilities Update
Students and parents may have noticed some new additions to our school in recent months. Bright new shade cloths provide protection from the sun (and look great) while new fencing across the back of the school provides additional security.
School Principal Davin Reid is also excited to inform the school community that Geelong High School have received $500,000 for toilet upgrades.
Head Start

Youth Mix
By Geelong Regional Libraries

Reconciliation in the Park