A Message from the Principal
By Davin Reid
As we come to the end of a very busy term 2, I wanted to thank all parents and students for their support over the term and the way we have continued to improve and offer some great learning opportunities.
Last week we had our first Year 8 Vitality Voyage Day. Thanks to Ms Tessa Kirk for organising all of these amazing learning opportunities. As a school we are very aware of the cost pressures on families so instead of a camp this year we have implemented a Year 8 level Day. Students had the option to surf in Melbourne, undertake a foodie’s tour of Melbourne, undertake an art workshop or immerse themselves int the world of Virtual reality. Thanks to all the staff involved on what was a great day.
Early next term students will start selecting their subjects for 2025. It is incredible to think that we have already started planning next year and this is an extremely important process. I remind students and parents it is vital that you attend this evening as it may impact on your subject choice. The information evening is on the 16th of July.
Day 1 next term is a Pupil free day as staff undertake planning for the rest of the year and organise programs. We take the first day as it causes less disruption than during the term. Over this term we have been impacted with significant illness of staff and students. I wanted to inform parents that we are in a very fortunate situation that all of our classes are covered with teaching staff, and we have not had to cancel any classes. It is through the dedication of the staff at the school that we are able to ensure all classes are covered which is a rare thing in many schools.
At the start of next term there is very little staff movement. Ms Jacinta Grills is on leave for Term 3, and we welcome Mr Nathan Wilson. Also new to the school is Ms Lisa Lemon in Japanese and English as Ms Julie Pateras reduces her time fraction. We welcome back Ms Melanie Vanderkley for her term 2 leave as she travelled around Australia. Unfortunately, some of the building works planned at the front office have had to be postponed but the first aid room and Year 12 Common room are coming.
Early next term we undertake our school review. This is held every four years for Government schools. There will be an opportunity for parents to be part of this review and I will inform the school community when this is organised.
School production tickets have now sold out, and I know we are all looking forward to what will be an outstanding show.
Thank you to all of those parents who contributed to our Uniform survey, the results will now be presented at school council for further consideration. I will make a brief comment about enforcement. I can assure all parents that students who are out of uniform are held to account. This may include a variety of measures. While there may be times you see a student with an incorrect jumper on, I can assure parents that these students have been dealt with and appropriate action taken to enforce the uniform policy. We are uniform school, and we expect all students to be in correct uniform.
Over the holiday we will be undertaking some building works which will include landscaping, new concrete, fencing and painting of number of classrooms. I am focussed on ensuring our students are provided with a well-maintained learning environment.
During the last few weeks, it certainly has been busy with numerous events on. We have had Gibber Education presenting to our Year 9’s regarding alcohol intake in youth and the challenges of underage drinking, Year 10 and 11 exams and the GAT for Unit 3 and 4 students has taken place. We also had the Model United Nations event with schools across Geelong attending Geelong High to be a part of this and also our Year 9 GPEP camp to Melbourne.
On behalf of all the staff I wish all families a safe and enjoyable break and looking forward to a successful Term 3 on Tuesday the 16th of July.
Push Up Challenge
Hi Geelong High School community,
From the 5th-28th of June, GHS students and staff will have the opportunity to participate and represent their House in the Australian wide Push-Up Challenge. This year all money raised will go towards Lifeline which exists to ensure no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.
Each House is completing as many push-ups as possible during lunch time each day, with the winning House being the one with the most combined push-ups by the end of the term. All students are encouraged to take part and add to total for their House. We will be updating you regularly on the totals for each House. The push-ups started yesterday and you can see the day one totals for each House below.
Each House is also competing to raise the most money for their House. Donations can be made using the links below. Any donation is appreciated and if you are reading this and you are not affiliated with a House, please just choose your favourite colour or animal from our Houses to donate to!
Barwon Sharks – Total 16,108
Please donate at - https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fundraiser/davidallitt
Corio Crocs – Total 12,661
Please donate at -https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fun.../coriocrocodiles
Leigh Devils – Total 16,192
Please donate at -https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fundraiser/leighdevils
Moorabool Tigers – Total 15,937
Please donate at -https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/fun.../courtneyjeantou

Pathway Information Evening

Accelerated Learning Program 2025
Applications Now Open
Geelong High School's Accelerated Learning Program is a great opportunity for Grade 6 students who are looking for extra challenge in Years 7-9 and who are motivated and engaged learners that wish to be part of a program for like-minded students.

Some key characteristics of our ALP program are:
- Acceleration in the core subjects of Maths, English, Science and Humanities from Year 7
- More higher order thinking
- Less repetition of content
- Faster curriculum progression
- Opportunities for acceleration into the Senior Years
- A wide range of extracurricular extension opportunities
- A focus on deep learning and academic enrichment
What does acceleration mean at GHS?
Acceleration means progressing through curriculum and learning faster, having more challenging opportunities and more emphasis on leadership and higher order thinking skills. Students in the ALP will accelerate in English, Science, Maths and Humanities from Year 7-9 together as a class.
From Year 10 they will continue to be able to accelerate as part of our wider acceleration program across all subjects and open to all students.
What extracurricular activities can I get involved in?

Students will be able to take part in debating, Model United Nations, the entirely student run newspaper, World Scholars Cup, our peripatetic music tuition program, bands, our orchestra, the school production, a myriad of sporting teams and experiences, student leadership training and opportunities, ICAS assessment competitions, a wide range of lunchtime clubs, the Australian Mathematics Competition, The University of Melbourne Micro-Mathematicians Incursion and Maths Competition, Maths Games Day (Victorian Challenge and Enrichment) and activities such as chess club, manga anime club and more.
Accelerated Learning Program Course Structure and Eligibility

Student Eligibility
Accelerated Learning Programs are not for all students and whilst they can be rewarding, they can also be challenging as students will be expected to be self-motivated and independent learners. Two key parts of the program will be increased workload and faster curriculum coverage in the early years of secondary school and students must be prepared to engage positively with this extra challenge.
The ALP program is suited to students who:
- Are engaged by academic challenge
- Enjoy problem solving
- Are mature and committed to their learning
- Are motivated to achieve excellence
- Enjoy working alongside like-minded peers
- Thrive in independent and collaborative learning
How do I apply?
In 2024, Grade 6 students looking to be accepted into the GHS Accelerated Learning Program should apply either in the 'Round 1' cycle or 'Round 2' cycle of applications. Whilst all students may apply at any time, only students who live in the Geelong High School Zone can be considered for a place in Round 1 as part of a new initiative by the Department of Education. Please go to the Find My School website to see if you are within the zone for Geelong High School. Students who are not in the zone are still strongly encouraged to apply.
All students who apply must complete the application form on the school website and take it to the front office.
Round 2 (Open) Applications are due by Monday the 22nd of July. Testing will be on Saturday the 10th of August.
When your primary school gives you your High School preference sheet, ensure that you put Geelong High School as your number one preference. There is also a test and interview for all candidates.
Please contact the school on geelong.hs@education.vic.gov.au with any questions or to request a phone call.
Elevate: Parent Webinars
VM Biggest Morning Tea
VCE Voc Major team hosted the Biggest Morning Tea at GHS on Friday to support the Cancer Council. Students worked hard gaining sponsorship, baked and hosted this event. We would like to say a big thankyou to the following sponsors that supported in making our day a big success: Routleys East Geelong / East Fruit Market / Woolworths Newcomb / Bakers Delight Newcomb /Coles Drysdale.
We would also love to thank the staff that supported our event and those that have already donated online. We are currently sitting close to $300. If there is anyone that would love to support the Cancer Council you can contribute to our online page.
Australia's Biggest Morning Tea - VCEVM2024
Donate Here
Well done to our VM students for organising and hosting this fantastic event!
Model United Nations
Students from around Geelong have descended on Geelong High for our Model United Nations day. The MUN day simulates the UN general Assembly and runs according to UN protocols. Students get to represent countries from around the world and step into the shoes of a countries ambassador to the UN for a day. A fantastic experience for students and staff.
Year 8 Vitality Voyage
On Wednesday the 12th of June, all year 8 students attend the Year 8 Vitality Voyage.
The Year 8 Vitality Voyage is a new initiative at Geelong High School for 2024. It developed from our understanding that Year 8 is a pivotal time in a student’s educational journey, marked by transitions, growth and the ongoing development of key skills and attitudes. The Vitality Voyage program has been developed in recognition of this stage with a focus on enhancing engagement, team-building and personal growth.
Students participated in diverse activities and experiences designed to foster holistic development and create lasting memories. See below for a summary of each voyage.
Congratulations to all students involved, it was a great day.
Tessa Kirk
7-9 Curriculum Leader
Performing Arts Voyage
Students attended the performance of the Broadway sensation WICKED at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne. The musical performance looks at what happened in the Land of Oz... but from a different angle. Long before Dorothy arrives, there is another young woman, born with emerald-green skin, who is smart, fiery, misunderstood and possessing an extraordinary talent. When she meets a bubbly blonde who is exceptionally popular, their initial rivalry turns into the unlikeliest of friendships... until the world decides to call one “good,” and the other one “wicked.”

“The day was great. We got to interact with students we wouldn't normally interact with and share our interest in musical productions. The performance of Wicked was breathtaking. We also got to discover little things about the theatre process and how hard it is to put a production like this together”.
Sophia Viveiros (8CA)
“The performance of Wicked was amazing. I was so happy I chose Wicked. It was great to be able to select a voyage we wanted. It was great to spend the day with students that also liked the same thing. My favourite moment of the show was the song ‘Defying Gravity’ when the actress was lifted into the air - the applause the actor got was crazy!”
Molly Edwards (8CB)
Creative Arts Voyage
Students attended one of the Melbourne Art Class studios where they were taught Sumi-e, the ancient art of Japanese brush painting. Traditionally, paintings feature subjects from nature, such as flowers and birds. The experience of Sumi-e brings a sense of peace and harmony to the artist, and finished artworks are created to arouse the same sense of joy and tranquillity in the viewer.
The artist who ran the workshop, Junko, is an award-winning artist. She has exhibited widely in Japan and Australia, and her work, Bamboo Grove and the dragonfly, is in the permanent collection at the National Gallery of Victoria.

“This day was good. I loved getting to hang out with my friends and doing something I like. We learnt how to paint with ink, painting some bamboo and an owl in black and white, learning the different brush strokes. It was a great experience.”
Isabel De Vries (8MA)
“This day was really fun. We all learnt how to master a Myki in Melbourne. In the workshop, we got to ground some ink and mix it with water to paint an owl and some bamboo. The artist, Junko, was great and taught us how to do different brushstrokes. Junko was a great instructor and also very patient. The whole day was a great experience being able to hang out with new people but also spend time with friends and do what you love with them. The only disappointment was to have left my painting on the train on the way home.”
Emma Bailey (8MA)
Wanderer’s Voyage
Students caught the train to Melbourne and visited some of Melbourne's famous sites. These included Flinders Street station, Hosier Lane, ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image), Federation Square and the NGV (National Gallery of Victoria).

“I really enjoyed seeing some awesome sites in Melbourne. The graffiti wall was cool as well as the museums and the shopping. The best part was getting to eat food and purchase lollies at ‘Suga’ at Flinders Street Station. This day was a great way to bond with people you don’t know very well.”
Lauchy Comtesse (8BA)
Gamers Voyage
Students who attended this voyage, experienced a virtual reality team-based escape game that required good teamwork, problem-solving, lateral thinking, and communication. Students interact with each other in amazing worlds, everyone finding a contributing role in the unique virtual reality experience.

“I really liked the day, particularly that we got to stop for lunch and visit the lolly shop. The VR game was great, we got to climb a building and disable a rocket made by terrorists to save the world. My group achieved the mission with 20 seconds remaining. It was a great experience going to Melbourne and I liked looking at the tall buildings. It was a really fun experience and it was great to realise how many other students enjoy gaming too.”
Paige McQueen (8CA)
“The day was really fun, I enjoyed it because you don’t get time at school that often to hang out with like-minded people. The VR game was fun, we chose to do a puzzle horror that was a bit scary. It got us to think about how to work together as a team and we solved the puzzle successfully. I would recommend the voyage program because it's fun and you can find out more about people who are interested in the same things as you or take it as an opportunity to spend more time with friends you already have.”
Winston Hubers (8BB)
Food Voyage
Students on this voyage took part in a captivating exploration of Melbourne's rich culinary landscape, blending culture, history, and the vibrant flavours that define this dynamic city. Our knowledgeable guides lead the way, providing fascinating insights into the cultural cuisines that have shaped Melbourne's culinary identity.

“The day was really fun. The tour guides were really nice and it was great that we got to get out and experience and learn about parts of Melbourne. I enjoyed tasting all of the different foods. My favourite food was the cannoli - it tasted like cheesecake.”
Addison Key (8LB)
“It was really great getting to explore different places in Melbourne. My favourite food to try was the rice paper rolls. I think it was a great program and it should be continued because we got to explore Melbourne and got to make some new friends.”
Adalyn Alsop (8MA)
Adventure Voyage
Students on this voyage embarked on an epic adventure to Melbourne's very own surf oasis, Urbnsurf! Students participated in a learn to surf experience followed by a surf in ‘The Bays’ which offered safe, gentle, rolling green and whitewater waves perfect for those who are learning to play in the waves.

“I enjoyed the surf. I had not been there before. I learnt more about how to surf. Caught a few waves able to stand. The day was worthwhile. The highlight of the day was hanging out with friends and having a break from school work. It was interesting and fun and I would recommend it for future Year 8’s.”
Chase West (8CA)
“It was a great day and I really enjoyed the free time we got to surf. I surf often but I had not been to Urbnsurf before. This venue was great as the waves were consistent compared to the beach so it was easier to practise. I would recommend this excursion as it’s different from school and lets you experience something we have not done before.”
Ella Hurley (8LB)
VCE Art Making and Exhibiting
On the 30th of June, our VCE (Yr 11 & 12) Art Making and Exhibiting students went to see the Cutting Through Time Exhibition at Geelong Gallery. The exhibition showcased Margaret Preston’s work alongside Cressida Campbell pieces examining the influence of Japanese woodblock prints on both artists. Students were given an introductory talk at the commencement of the session from the Learning & Audience Engagement Manager Elishia Furet who was able to provide them further insightful information on the exhibition that is a key requirement for students through Unit 3 and 4. Students left feeling inspired to continue to engage in their artworks they are currently working through.
Careers Expo for Year 12 Students
By Trudy Cameron
All Year 12 students had the opportunity to have a pathways conversation with University, TAFE and apprenticeship organisations during homegroup. Students had robust conversations regarding entry requirements, scholarship applications, folio preparation and interview questions. There was a buzz in the air of excitement regarding the opportunities and possibilities that the future holds.
Social Innovators
A group of Year 9 students showcased their creative problem-solving skills at the Social Innovators forum, presenting their ideas to community partners and peers from various schools. These projects will come to fruition in Term 3, promising innovative solutions.
Stay tuned for what they have in store!
Building Project Group Progress
Term 2 Building Project Group Progress
During term 2 students engaged in a variety of projects from small to large. These being the construction of a cubby house (in progress), a foosball table made from leftover pallets, general gardening and landscaping.
Students learnt the fundamental process of using basic hand tools to get the jobs done. With the cubby house being the main project, students learnt how to construct a subfloor, wall frames, pitch rafters, install weatherboards and final touches right down to painting.

Year 7 String Program
Our Year 7 Classroom String Program is going from strength to strength producing some outstanding results. Many students have also enrolled in our private, one on one Instrumental lessons and are now taking part in our Vocal Group, Wind Ensembles, Suzuki String Ensemble, and our Chamber Orchestra. We are all looking forward to performing in the Spring Concert at 7pm on the 9th September in GHS Love Hall.

Junior & Intermediate Boys Netball
Intermediate boys netball team one made it to the final against Western Heights where they were a draw at the end of the game but lost in extra time. The team as a group were very impressive. The intermediate number 2 side came second in their pool.
Whilst the junior team, many of who were playing in a netball competition for the first time played well. Best on for the juniors were Lachlan Scarlett, Cooper Robinson, Jimmy Cox and Flynn McPherson.

New Writers Collective

Congratulations to Nita-Lee Makai (9BB), Tobi Haynes (9MA) and Lillian Stoel (12MA) who presented their work in the New Writers Collective program on …...
The New Writers Collective (NWC) is a writing program for live performance that supports young women, female-identifying, non-binary and trans-people between the ages of 13 to 21. The NWC will have a series of workshops across the year in which they will work alongside professional playwrights to write and develop a play. Following the end of their workshops, a professional director and actors will perform a public presentation of excerpts of the plays as a “moved reading” for a live audience at The Channel in Melbourne.
Congratulations to all students involved.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
“My experience in the new writer's collective has been overwhelmingly positive as I've been surrounded by like minded peers and supportive mentors. It provided me with a unique opportunity to improve my writing and refine my ideas. Seeing my play performed by professional actors was the highpoint of my experience, and has given me confidence in my ability as well as access to vital industry connections. I would absolutely recommend the opportunity for hardworking writers who want to improve their skills and get feedback from industry professionals.”
Lillian Stoel
“My experience with the writer's collective was an amazing process and helped me understand the steps and course of action toward making a play. It was very fun and rewarding and I made new friends and people that I can share my writing with!”
Nita-Lee Makai

Year 7 & 8 Girls Football
By Jamilla Cranny
On Tuesday the 4th of June, I took out 17 year 7 - 8 students to compete in the junior girls' football competition at Winters reserve. The girls started the day with two wins, against Bellarine and Oberon, placing first in their pool and earning a spot in the semi final against Grovedale. Unfortunately the girls fell just short in the semi-final, losing 15 - 6 and ending their day.
They showed great attitudes and performances all day, with stand out players being Layla Endrei, Lavinia Fiu, Jojo O'Hearn, and Pippa Cumming. Alana Henley also lead the way scoring three goals across the day. Other goal scorers were Rachel Foran, Kyla Borrow and Pippa Cumming
Coached by Miss Cranny
VCE Top Design
Our Year 12 Design classes were inspired by outstanding VCE design and technology works at Melbourne Museum, Top Designs Top Designs is a celebration of excellence, showcasing exceptional work created by students who completed VCE 2023
• Media
• Product Design and Technology
• Systems Engineering
• Theatre Studies
• Visual Communication Design
This year we were in awe of the abundance of environmental (architectural) designs, as well as object and message designs. We concluded the gallery visit by debriefing over lunch in the city together. We are excited to see what our Year 12s will create during Unit 4 this year!
Library Knitting Club
Calling all yarn enthusiasts! The Library Knitting Club is in session and ready to cast on some creativity. Whether you're a seasoned stitcher or a curious beginner, our cozy booth in the library is the perfect place to unwind, learn new skills, and create something amazing.
Get ready to tinker, invent, and bring your ideas to life! Our school library is not only just a place to find books – it is also a vibrant makerspace overflowing with opportunities to explore your creativity and learn new skills. Our makerspace is stocked with tools and materials to help you turn ideas into reality. THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.
Year 8 Soccer
Our Year 8 boys soccer competed against other schools in the Geelong region. The team won 2 and lost 1. Best players James Cox, Sam Gray, Cooper Robinson, Noah Winterton and Keaghan Wade.
Well done... we have some talented soccer players at GHS.

Whole School Assembly
Year 8 Drama Excursion

On Wednesday the 29th of May, students in year 8 Drama travelled to The LaMama Theatre in Melbourne to see the performance of The Audition.
The Audition is a moving insight into the protocols and powers that permit or deny entry into our country and to our stages. The gatekeepers. The Audition examines the parallels between actors auditioning for work and refugees seeking asylum in Australia.
A cohesive, multi-authored work by Iranian asylum seeking artists and immigrants and acclaimed Australian playwrights, The Audition honours those whose lives are spent awaiting entry. Contrasting yet cohesive, transformation of character, time and place hauntingly meld with metatheatre, verbatim, poetry and song. The fourth wall and actor-audience relationship shifts throughout the performance.
The Stage Is A Country In Itself. With Its Own Rules And Regulations. Or Lack Of Them.
Jamie Long
Performing Arts Teacher

Year 12 Art Making & Exhibiting
Year 12 Art Making and Exhibiting students presented folios and emerging artworks to their fellow students last week. Staff, students and parents will get the opportunity to see the final artworks when the Art Show returns to Geelong High in October this year.
Western Metro Cross Country
Our Cross Country team had the Western Metro Finals at Brimbank Park. Top place getters at this one will be selected to run at the state finals.

Year 10 Careers Adventure
All Year 10 students headed off to visit Universities as part of their Careers week. Students headed off to Victoria University, Deakin University and Swinburne University. Year 10 students were able to hear about the Block Model at Vic Uni and complete Health activities, at Swinburne students made bionic hands and discovered amazing facts in the Astro physics theatre and at Deakin Uni they solved crimes, built structures to sustain earthquakes and completed Exercise sport activities. In addition to these activities students have researched all options available to them in the Senior School, updated their resumes and Career Action plans and had the opportunity to complete virtual work experience. A group of Year 10 students have completed Structured Work Placement this week and received amazing feedback from their employers.
Sensational work this week Year 10.
GPEP Cook Up
Our GPEP class made 61 containers of fried rice and spaghetti bolognese that have already been handed over to our contact at the Salvation Army Outreach Van.
The van will roam the streets of Geelong feeding those who cannot prepare a warm dinner for themselves. A fantastic effort from our GPEP students.

New Signage
You may notice a few changes next time you visit Geelong High School. We have new signage at entrances around the school and a video screen on Ryrie Street providing information on school activities and events. Our school grounds are looking fantastic! (photos - Lachlan H)
Junior Engineers - Space Mode