A Message From The Principal #5
Principal’s Message Week 10, Term 1
Thank You,
This term has been another challenging one for students, staff and parents/carers. As covid has spread through the community it has really made its presence felt in schools and homes.
My thanks to parents/carers for your forebearance during these difficult times. While this period has been very unsettling for some students, most have managed to focus and have kept moving forward with their learning. My hat is off to parents who have managed to deal with positive cases at home and the seven, or in some cases more, days of quarantining that goes with it.
Teachers and ES staff also deserve our congratulations because many of them have had to deal with catching covid, quarantining and supporting their own families while also keeping students working here at school.
Looking forward to Term 2 it is likely that this pattern will continue for some time to come. While vaccination levels are high there will still be disruptions to learning. No doubt the option of a second booster shot, and flu shots will be an issue and RATs will continue into the term.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of Seth Constable, who finishes today and will commence work with an IT company shortly. Seth came as a trainee and has been a great asset to the school. We wish him all the best. Congratulations to Rebecca Gaskin and her partner Tom, who will be married over the term break. Courtney Yengi will also finish up as she is expecting her second child early next term.
Once again, thank you for your support of the school during what has been a difficult term. I am proud of the staff and students and the work they have done this term.
Have a happy and safe, covid-free term break. School will resume on Tuesday 26th April.
Glen Davey
Moorabool House Term One Celebration Assembly
Moorabool House Term One Celebration Assembly
Moorabool House came together on Tuesday 6th April during homegroup time, to acknowledge the positive achievements of Moorabool students this term.
We acknowledged those students who have achieved 100% attendance for the term. Congratulations to the following Moorabool super stars:

Livi Haynes 7MA, Riley Causon 7MB, Oskar Kokerai 7MB, Rashika Newnham 7MB, Isabella Ficcara 8MA, Riley Cummins 8MA, Mehdi Mousavi 8MA, Raine Alegria 8MB, Bella Telfer 10MB, Josh Stewart 10MA, Cheyenne Walters 10MB, Saqqara Perkins 10MB, Cody Nyhof 11MA, Ella Campbell 11MA, Tyson Cummins 11MB, James Goodsell 11MB, Fraser Doyle 11MA.
Awards were also given to some select students who have demonstrated key Character Strengths this term and made positive contributions to school life.
Congratulations to these Golden stars:

Kindness: Nik Halaharivi 9MA
Leadership: Raquel Maclean 9MB
Zest: Rohan Evans 11MA
Golden Star award: Julius Mazarigle 7MB
House Spirit: Isabelle Ambrose 8MB
Tiger of the Term – all round excellence: Emma Croft 10MB
Congratulations to this term’s award recipients! I hope you all have a very restful break and look forward to seeing you all back refreshed and ready for another busy term in a couple of weeks.
Katie Walsh
Moorabool House Leader
Geelong High School
Black Cockatoo
Year 8 & 9 Black Cockatoo Drama Excursion
On Thursday the 24th of March, Year 8 and 9 Drama students travelled to Geelong Arts Centre to view a performance of Black Cockatoo written by Geoffrey Atherden and directed by Wesley Enoch.
Back in the classroom, students were assessed on their ability to analyse this performance with a focus on actors’ skills in developing and presenting characters, and how the production design helped the audience understand the different settings and locations of the play.
See below for a synopsis of this performance:
Over 150 years ago, 13 brave Aboriginal men in Western Victoria picked up their cricket bats and embarked on a treacherous voyage to England and into the unknown – all in the name of sport. Risking illness and persecution, Australia’s first international cricket team – including Australia's first Indigenous sporting hero, Johnny Mullagh – amazed the English crowds with astonishing talent, personality and grit. They should have returned to Australia as celebrated heroes. Instead, they came back to find the world they once knew was no longer there.
This is not just a story about cricket – this is a story of strength, resistance, hope and possibility. When a group of young present-day activists sneak into the Wimmera Discovery Centre to expose the truth of what happened to Johnny and his teammates, a hidden legend of triumph and tragedy unfolds. Funny and incredibly moving, Black Cockatoo is a new artistic collaboration between iconic Australian writer Geoffrey Atherden (Mother and Son, Babakiueria) and former Sydney Festival Artistic Director Wesley Enoch (Black Diggers).
Tessa Kirk & Ubaldino Mantelli

MOK BORRIYN Indigenous Student Conference 2022
This week our First Nations students had the opportunity this week to attend the MOK BORRIYN Indigenous student conference at GMHBA stadium. Over two days the students got to hear from Indigenous speakers including X factor winner Isaiah Firebrace. They also learnt about culture, pathways, education, art and leadership (and they got to meet a few Cats players including Tom Hawkins which was a bonus!)

Top Class Theatre Studies
Top Class Theatre Studies Excursion
On Monday the 28th of March, Year 11 and 12 Theatre Studies students travelled to Melbourne to view the Top Class Drama and Theatre Studies concerts at the Melbourne Arts Centre.
Top Class Drama and Theatre Studies concerts present performances by inspirational students who received outstanding grades for their 2021 VCE performance examinations. These entertaining and informative 100-minute programs are hosted by the Chief Assessors for each study, who will provide tips and advice along the way. Drama students present inventive original solo works, while Theatre Studies students present diverse interpretations of existing monologues through direction and acting, or two areas of design.
This is great inspiration for students, particularly those in Year 12 who will need to prepare their own monologue performances later in the year for external assessment.
Tessa Kirk

Volunteers Needed - Guys & Dolls
Hello GHS Community,
My name is Tessa Kirk and I am leading the school’s production of Guys and Dolls this year. We have a sensational cast and rehearsals are well underway.
I am seeking some assistance from the GHS community if you have skills or interest in supporting me and the cast with the following:
Production Fundraising
Some fundraising activities have already been set up. Looking for some support with the organisation of this.
Set/Prop Sourcing and Construction
Creatives who are handy on the tools to help design and construct our set.
Backstage Supervision
To supervise students backstage during our production performances.
Sound Operation
Sound equipment is already available to us. Looking for someone to operate this during rehearsals and performances.
Vocal Support
Preferably someone who can read music / play piano to assist students in their song rehearsals.
If you have questions or have an interest in any of the above please feel free to contact me.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
Geelong High School
E. Tessa.kirk@education.vic.gov.au
P. 5225 4100
Check Please
Year 11 & 12 Scene Study Performance of Check Please!
Congratulations to the Year 11 & 12 Theatre Studies students for their performance of Jonathan Rands play Check Please on Friday the 25th of March in Shenton Theatre.
Every year, the year 12 students are assessed on their ability to develop scenes for a performance, working in a number of production roles (acting, directing, costume, make-up, set, props, sound and lighting). As this is a combined class of Year 11 and 12 students, the Year 11 students have the opportunity to explore what they will work on in year 12 as they make contributions to this development.
This is always a huge project for the students who only have eight weeks to put the show together. It is amazing watching the students collaborate under this time pressure and problem-solve when they have a $0 budget.
Again, congratulations to all of these students and a big thank you to the teachers, families and friends who were in attendance. This was a wonderful success.
Tessa Kirk

Library News
Year 12 Letters
Year 12 students read letters from the past.
The class of 2022 received their letter from themselves on Thursday. In Year 7 the students wrote a letter about their hopes and dreams, including what they hoped they had achieved by the time they were in Year 12. Year 12’s laughed at their handwriting, spelling mistakes but most importantly took time to reflect on the amazing people they are now and how they had personally grown and were staying true to their goals.
You are awesome Class of 2022
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The Geelong Independent Advertisement
We wish to draw your attention to some wonderful advertising our school is receiving in the latest edition of the Geelong Independent.

Career News 1 April 2022
Did You Know??

Lemons float, but limes sink
Because limes are denser than lemons, they drop to the bottom of a glass, while lemons float at the top. Out of all these random fun facts, this one’s been in front of our faces (or rather, in our glasses) this whole time!
Report online harm
eSafety helps Australians prevent and deal with harm caused by serious online abuse or illegal and restricted online content.
This includes cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse and image-based abuse (sharing, or threatening to share, intimate images without the consent of the person shown).
Parent resources

Downloadable resources to help you start the chat about online safety issues and strategies with your child.
On this page:
Report a complaint about serious online abuse or illegal and restricted online content. You can follow a few easy steps to help you choose the best report form.
GSC Abilities Day

Yoga & Sound Bath

The booking link for this event is: https://whiteswansoundandyogabookings.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php